Latest mix, be gentle....


Professionally Amateur
Jan 24, 2012
Okay so back story.... lol. Last time I recorded this artist he was a one man act that arranged and recorded every instrument and I was first getting into mixing seriously, this was about 3 months ago.
(which I know this track and all the others in his EP had serious problems)

Since then I have (hopefully) gotten better and he's been able to construct a full band. He has come back for more recordings with his band now, so PLEASE let me know whether or not i'm headed towards the right direction.

A few things that I think are low points are the guitars being a tad lowd and undergained, with possibly too much low end on them. I feel the snare doesn't have as much impact as I want. As well as the track doesn't seem to glue as much as I want it to. Thoughts/Suggestions?

Fun Fact - The guitarist that's on the left track recorded the full song begginning to end in one take on his first try. I had to clean up a few parts but nothing major. I thought that was pretty cool.
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