My latest mix - 5150, Slate, the works

One thing I can tell you is that Oz used his 5150 there, with a dual mic technique (assuming Fredman by the sound of it). It also didn't sound like there was a TS used.

Yes, there was. I wind up using a Maxon OD808 on about 99% of the heavy shit.

FWIW, I love what you did with the guitars.... very nice indeed. Never heard that sound come out of my mesa cab before!

What kind of post processing was involved?

Finally, that's an absolutely rockin' mix, Ermz. Hopefully I can get a copy of this disc when it's finished.
Cool, I stand corrected!

I recall reading a while back that you ditched the TS when dual-mic'ing as it sounded better without. Did circumstances change since then?

Bigtime. Ditching the OD pedal was VERY early on in my dual micing tests. I've come to rely heavily on the slight compression that an OD pedal provides.
i dig this band(other than the attempt at danny filth type vocals).
My only complaints would be the snare and toms being too loud, tom spread being a bit much(try 50, 0, 50 if it's 3 toms), and a few rolls that sound super sloppy(didn't want to quantize those?)
I actually didn't want to quantize any of it, because the entire performance was tracked to out of time drums. If I moved anything, it would require editing every aspect of the track from the ground up. It was a learning experience for the band though and they know next time to get the drums sorted out prior to recording the rest on top.
I actually didn't want to quantize any of it, because the entire performance was tracked to out of time drums. If I moved anything, it would require editing every aspect of the track from the ground up. It was a learning experience for the band though and they know next time to get the drums sorted out prior to recording the rest on top.

major bummer:erk:

It's nothing that normal people would notice, but drum stuff like that always bugs me

nothing you could do about it though except get paid and move on in life:kickass: