My band's latest mix!

hey sean, good sounding mix, one thing i noticed(only listened through my headphones so far), you know the intro riff, the guitar on the right sounds a lil bit off wen it first plays the riff

i might be imagining things though as its quite late, gonna give this a good listen with the monitors tomorrow

p.s. the subs clipped like hell in the headphones, and some of the snare fills in the breakdown sounds ridiculously machine gun like, maybe play around with the velocities, unless you were going for that sound?

Thanks for the feedback Sash!
I'll have to check on that and fix it if you're right.
The subs clipped?!?!
Damn it!
I turned em way down and everything!
I can never get those to sit right in the mix:/
and I'm pretty sure the entire midi file is maxed out in velocity.
simply because I'm too lazy to change it when we're just going to record real drums with slate samples for the final mix:p
This is just kind of something to keep me busy and still mixing between now and then :)
ehi man..sounds very good..please,can you explain drum processing with the settings of plugins?thank you very much
the kick is kick 10
the same post processing I posted last time
nothing on the snare except for a clipping plugin and a highpass
Don't remember the toms off of the top of my head
although I do know all I used was an eq plugin.
The toms are all maple except for the lowest floor tom
freeverb for the reverb
that's about it