My latest tone experiment...


Krank it UP!
Sep 3, 2006
Victoria, Australia
Here is a short sample of an old-school song some mates and I used to play when we were back in school many years ago (15+ years ago :lol: ). My mate created many original songs back then and this is one of them. It was recorded very badly back then with an ingenious method :lol: We were in an ordinary garden shed with my mate playing his guitar into a little amp with the drummer wearing headphones directly out of the amp (so no guitar could be heard except by him). He played drums along to what he was hearing while a portable boombox recorded the drums. Laughing yet? Well it gets funnier. Once this was done, the cassette was then put into a home stereo with the guitar being plugged into a Metalzone (or HM2, can't remember if the Metalzone was out then, I think it was) into a "Microphone In" and the first guitar track was played while the cassette was being dubbed to another cassette. This cassette was then dubbed to another cassete while the second guitar track was being recorded. Same thing happened for the Vocals and backing vocals. See, I said it was ingenious. Anyway, I have tacked on the original Intro which was recorded this way and just made it sound even older, although not too much poorer in quality with a nice vinyl plug:lol: .

This is the first song I will be recording properly once I get some more ideas on EQ comp, I am after feedback on the tone/mix of this sample. Guitar tracks are "as recorded" with no EQ, comp, etc. The whole mix has only had a limiter to raise the overal volume. Nothing else.

Please have a listen and let me know what you think.

Any tips on how to improve it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks. :kickass:
Sounds fantastic to me. It will sound way better with bass and when you finish the drum programming. Looking forward to that. Sorry, no real advice to give just yet. :)
Thanks for the reply Radd. That's good/positive (I guess) that you can't give any advice at the moment, maybe, hopefully :heh: . I have posted a longer sample of this song before but this one is done with the Firepod and I think it sounds better. I kinda like the guitar sound, but I feel like I should be using some EQ, etc... on it. It's hard to judge your own playing/tone. I guess you just get used to your own inherent mistakes and don't seem to notice them. I find it much easier to critique someone elses tone/mix.

Please give some feedback guys.

Here's an update.

Re-recorded guitars with mic on edge of dustcap
Added more dust to vinyl intro
Slight mid cut on both samples, as well as hi and low pass
Tried to polish one of the samples a little
Added a basic bassline also

I haven't got the vocals down yet, but this is about as close to the final sound as it's going to be. I have no other ideas on what else to do :lol: .

1:30 clip length.

Feedback appreciated, thanks :) :saint: :)
Due to an overflow of responses :oops: :heh: I have re-EQ'd guitars and drums and played with the mix.

I am trying to teach myself, but I need your help, so please let me know what you think of the tone/mix. I know you may not like the old-school song I am beating you to death with endless samples of, but it's my yardstick. Any comments on the overall sound and tips on how to improve it's tone/mix would be GREATLY appreciated.

Please guys I am just after some feedback and tips, that's all.:saint:

Thanks :kickass:
zmetallica: Thanks for the reply. I agree it's more refined, but also somewhat hollower (not as full-sounding) which I have to get used to.:lol:

The_Shred: Thanks for the reply. Here's some tissues, yeah it's a Krank. :p

Genius Gone Insane: Thanks for the reply. I might have to try the reverse cymbal thing. I can hear it in my head, just have to figure out how to do it.

Mood Bender: Thanks for the reply. That's a nice comment from a fellow Revo' owner. The 808 was used as a maximum clean boost on this. OD on Min, Tone on 12 O'Clock and Balance on Max. Really tightens up the tone and adds plenty of Mids.

Thanks for the replies guys. Much appreciated. I feel this latest mix might be going in the right direction. Hopefully:lol: .

nice sound!
will be kickass with bass

are the guitars quad tracked or only two tracks?

Thanks for the reply. I had recorded a bass track a couple of weeks ago that is mediocre that I have included. It is actually sitting pretty low in the mix. Just loud enough so that when I mute it you can just miss it. I have to record another better one.:heh: Guitars are quad-tracked.

Thanks again for the reply.:kickass:

yeah i think i can see the bass - it sounds like bass tone from guitars)

i like it when its in the middle and it plays with guitars...

i think with your tone it will be killer!