latest mix fresh ears please

Apr 18, 2008
this is a demo intro from one of the latest projects im working on before a big project coming up.... i have been working on tightening up everythign production wise from top to bottom.. i didnt produce the overall song just the sound.......drums were not recorded with a click .quantized and edited to grid after the fact.... the best i could for the time i had ......ugggggggggggggg i told the band 3 weeks ahead of time to mapp things out,sent them specifics like tempos, time sigs legnths etc, and only 5 day to do 7 songs with prob 60 tempo would take me that long to do it myself mapping with one 3 hour day of in studio prepro before recording. not gonna happen sorry .. at least they had new strings....

guitars chain was emg81/85, evh 5150, v30 replaced valveking cab
57/421 firepod

ssl ch gate
ssl g eq 60/12k hp/lp cut at 5k slight boost at 400
c4 sneap setting to clean up a little boom from sloppy playing
vintage warmer as limiter +4 on drive

this is where my main prob is tones pretty crushing but something doesnt seem right

drums are live recorded in my ghetto 10'x10' foot paneling room with auralex foam 8 traps 2 office dividers, and diffusers.... + is theres 4inces of r13 under the drop ceiling and a main dividing double drywall wall r13 and heavy ass door

kick and toms 100 percent replaced with a blend of my samples....recorded drummers kit but ended up replacing
snare is 50/50 tama blackpanter steel recorded with vintech473, sm57/distressor 4db reduction and slate11a processed togeather with some comp eq and verb....

3 km84's total... a matched mair on a groups of cymbals, and as a spot mic on china approx 16" over off axis... mdu 421 as center spot mic ft in front of kit 16 "above center of group of 3 splashes

ssl ch on every ch insert
psp on drum bus followed by limiter
limited overheads still need to do some auto on them i think
ssl comp on 2 bus 2db reduction
psp vw2 as parallel for drums and guitars

pretty simple mix just need a fresh set of ears any ideas for improvement on the sound of the mix not the song please be more than welcome to say whatever good or bad i want it to be as professional as possible im trying to ge the fuck out of here................

edit master is hit pretty hard but its getting sent out after mixing mix test.mp3
there's wayyy to much verb on the snare. I can't stand the music to be honest, but thats not your fault. Guitar tone had potential but theres something odd about it that I can't put my finger on, its a certain frequency range thats really pulling out the fizz.

Theres a wierd ring, when the guitars stop, dunno if its intentional, but its annoying.

That may have been overly critical :lol: It wasn't meant to sound as harsh as it probably did

yea, i hear the tone, its really weird, its kind of like a really soft feedback. its quite subtle, just after the note has been hit.

also i'm not keen on the snare sound. kick is nice though!

has potential!

there's wayyy to much verb on the snare. I can't stand the music to be honest, but thats not your fault. Guitar tone had potential but theres something odd about it that I can't put my finger on, its a certain frequency range thats really pulling out the fizz.

Theres a wierd ring, when the guitars stop, dunno if its intentional, but its annoying.

That may have been overly critical :lol: It wasn't meant to sound as harsh as it probably did


i like harsh.. keep it real.....

that werid shit was a slight phasing going on something like 2500 samples with the parallel compression on the guitars.......i had to print a stem to get rid of it...... the snares not my choice and verb was a preset that still needed tweaked im still working on it im gonna post a revised mix in about an hour
Theres some insane buzz going on during this entire thing.

The guitars have definition, but there's something strange going on.

Replace the kick and snare with something else, they aren't working for me. Try some parallel comp on the drum bus.
the guitar tones are to whiney for me and those drum need bringing out especially the snare.... there is no crack on it. either replace the snare or use a transient designer on the front of it. and maybe bring those guitar in more from hard left and hard right just experiment until they sit with the drums
I like the music but TME the production is in the wrong direction. I'd think you'd want to go more of a raw approach with this stuff, more of a live vibe. Aside from the room verb there's not much live feel. For this type of music I think FEEL is more important than playing TIGHT. You'd want Rick Rubin producing you guys, not Master Sneap. IMHO.
I like the music but TME the production is in the wrong direction. I'd think you'd want to go more of a raw approach with this stuff, more of a live vibe. Aside from the room verb there's not much live feel. For this type of music I think FEEL is more important than playing TIGHT. You'd want Rick Rubin producing you guys, not Master Sneap. IMHO.

to be quite honost with you that was pretty raw for me.. first time i have ever not used a click to record somethign.... the drummer was pretty tight but still swung parts pretty bad during tempo changes....we tracked rythem di's at the same time doing drums

i never updated the mix yesterday had a session run way over so that was the orig file still

updated version master .mp3

i think i have the drums pretty natural sounding now changed up the snare a lot and fuckked with the verbs a bit
the intro doesnt describe the band in any way which im not fond of the slightest i just record..... there more like annotations off an autopsy