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Sep 26, 2006
North Iberia
you dont remember but i wrote few days ago that Amon amarth decided to play for my b´day celebration on the 18th in Madrid,so the 18th already was and i went there..

The gig was fucking nice besides the heat( it was all day arround 35 degrees in there,do not know how people manage to survive there on summer) they play for an hour and a half and as i´m extremely band for remembering songs name the only thing i can tell you is they played songs from the first to the last album, the really rock and the first 5 songs were like a blast, rally nice, but you already know all this..

the only think i want to tell you is that a friend of mine was going to interview them to do another friend´s duty so finally asked me if i wouldnt mind to take pics during the interview,which you can all imagine that i did not mind, and she told me that if i wanted to ask anything i was free and allowed to do it:) .... well, i asked about this festival you were talking about , the sounds of whatever by MTV and why they are going to play there, johann( was the only one at the interview)told me that the main reason to play there is to be able to do a better headlining tour on the states...SOOOO you lucky bastards would have your desires given of a headlining tour because i assume that festival is going to be nice and their popularity was going to increase...

the whole interview was longer and if by any chance i feel the strengh to tranlate it for you once published i will do it,dont worry,so you all can see my excellent job as a photographer:lol:

by the way, he seems to be a fucking nice guy,talking a lot even being in a rush as they arrived 2 hours later to the place and they need to do the soundcheck...

And i dont have a fucking clue of what happended in Barcelona,sorry,no money to go to both...
wow, sounds like it was a great birthday, happy belated.

i wish i lived somewhere where i could say 35 degrees is hot.
i promise you wont like it, i dont live there, i live on the north coast and just moved there for the gig, 35 degrees are nice if you have the sea nearby, in Madrid is almost like being in a toaster and actually i could have enjoy the gig more if the whole ay temperature would have been arround 20, then at night i would still have my blood preasure all right to shake my neck...
next time i would see them in november in a norther place and it would be better, promise you, norther places rule!! at least in spain...:)
35... is 95 in my parlance. Fuck that, in the words of Toki, "What are we doings in this horrible microwave?!" I hate the heat, it's why I'm trying to find somewhere more hospitable to move to. Summer's too hot and too long down here. (Yes, it's something I like to bitch about. If it's over 70-75(21-24), I'm gonna be bitching about the heat)
ummmm..move here:




weather is normally pretty nice in summer, humidity is high so your nose and lungs are ok and we are not crowded with tourists as the south coast, food is the best from the whole country, shops are as cheap as everywehere in the just would have to spaek spanish, but it´s easy to learn..soooo...move here!
ummmm..move here:




weather is normally pretty nice in summer, humidity is high so your nose and lungs are ok and we are not crowded with tourists as the south coast, food is the best from the whole country, shops are as cheap as everywehere in the just would have to spaek spanish, but it´s easy to learn..soooo...move here!

Nice landscape!

I like the Norwegian Fjörds more though ;)
yeah, that does not surprise me, i like them a lot and going back this summer.. but never understimate the power of spanish northcoast...






...not going to continue,you can have an idea and i only cover the first two regions ...:)
ill stay in Quebec for a while though. winter is very confortable with occasional peaks of -30°C with the wind. Although summer is so very hot in montreal (28-30°C ++) id prolly move for a nothern region of my province.. or simply more in Norway or Sweden. that be so great...




That is fucking gorgeous, and I'd definitely love to visit. I actually do speak (really bad) Spanish. I like Quebec too, it's pretty close to home for me. But I don't speak French at all. And it's still technically part of Canada. :p
umm Los angeles...i have to visit that place..i dont know why i always seem like attracted to those super big metropolis ,however once there and after two days surrounded by thillions of people and noise i miss the green&empty landscapes from here, plus the atlantic..
however i wanna go to LA at least once in my life and find an 80´s rock pub if there´s still any open..
Just because it happened to come up in something I was reading... is that Cantabria or Asturias? You folks have some nifty georgraphy up there. :)

yeap, good boy, did your homeworks.

I live in the main city of Cantabria, which is Santander ( or Satan-there..sounds similar) and the pics i have posted cover the north coast, all the cantabrian sea till the atlantic so actually you have Galicia( where finisterrae is), asturias and cantabria..we actually have the same geography, the same food, the same green lands and although we have pretty different accents( in fact people from Galicia have their own language ) I considere all the noarth coast like the same area, i include basque country as well, they share everything as well except the language...

so dude, if you come to spain, i of course recomend you to visit the south and madrid ,barcelona and whatever...but DONT MISS THE NORTH!!!

more pics:headbang: from my place




typical house



typical food



typical drink





... you will not get bored in here...
now I´m haungry, sorry..:p
mmm, chorizo. At least, the red sausage looks a lot like it. I need like... a year to just wander around Europe. So many places to visit. I'd need a month or two just to chase down all my relatives, never mind the other stuff. :p
It's not bad. I've only been around Colorado Springs. The main things I remember is: It's dry there, doesn't rain much. Not very humid, so even when it's hot, it's cool in the shade, especially when you're up the mountains. There's an unusual density of hot chicks in the mountain towns. (Hey, I'm married, but not blind.) Some really neat shit if you like nature, or American history. Breathing the mountain air is hard when you were raised down by the ocean, and smoke to boot.
There is some absolutely gorgeous land there, however. My father and I toured around for a few days on our motorcycles last summer.