Ok... Time for the second one: the Dark Tranquillity/In Flames gig in at Musikens Hus in Gothenburg 1997!
Well... I´ll try to take you back to 1997.
Me and my friend Mattias just recently ( 1 1/2 years ago ) heard in Flames for the first time. We where stunned and fell in love with the music, eventhough we had a hard time liking the vocals (we´ve been listening to power metal bands all the time) Well, anyway, we owned sub. TRJ and Whoracle, and we where quite exited about this gig! just a month earlier we had started to look up D.T., which meant we had heard songs like "punish my heaven" Zodijackyl light", "Insanity´s cresendo" and "Hedon".
Anyways. DT was the first band to hit the stage (of the two of them, I don´t remember which bands where before them...) I went stright into the first row in a headbanging frenzy, and when I was there I got amazed. Simply stunned my the force. I was overwhelmed, and I got those "live shivers" ... I remember the songs I knew, which is the ones above + some more songs from "the Minds I". Woa! this was great. That was all I had in mind, "this i great, and I´ll have to buy all their albums!"
But the fun just started.
I was foremost a In Flames fan.
IF entered the stage. And they blew me away, constantly. It was like beeing ran over by a bulldozer. I don´t know how to describe the feelings I had. But it was the most brutal and intense consert I have ever been to. And I´ve actually been to quite a few (read many), standing in the front row in all of em. This beats them all.
Total frenzy.
Then IT happend.
I suddenly heard Anders Fridén say something like "det står en rödtott där nere som vi gärna vill ha upp på scen", translates into something like "there is a carrot top down there who we would like to have up here on the stage".
Whom they where refering to? Well... Mikael Stanne!
They performed Shadow Duet.
I´ve seen it live.
It knocked the shit out of _everything_ I have ever seen, and everything I am ever going to see.
No words can describe it.
I still get shivers when thinking about it...
Well, next one will come...soon..
-phyros ( happy if some of you read it..
