Latest prod. Allot of hardware, 160,SSl,1176, VCC etc


Jun 20, 2007

So I wanted to share some work in progress here. Think it is gonna work out great in the end. DBX 160 on kick, SSl on snare and 1176 on vocals.
Had a pretty hard time getting the guitar sound we wanted. Tried 4amps i think. We ended up with the JSX on last channel boosted with Maxon od808.

Hit me with critique or any questions about the mix in general and ill try to answer it ASAP.

btw.. it is me singing the clean vox in the end :)

Very nice and clear stuff. Vocals sounds great as do the rest of the guitars. Can't spot anything I would want changed.
Those guitars do sound great! The only thing that's bugging me is that the kick seems to be getting lost (moreso in the first clip than the others) and I think the guitars are causing this. Sounds like they're just a little bit too bassy, and maybe even a smidge too loud. I'm listening on M50's though, so take that with a grain of salt.
Thanks for listening!!!

@UROS You kind of confirmed what i've been thinking. Less bass on guitars and drive the kick a bit more, perhaps add another sample to make it more pronounced :)