latest production from my studio meshuggaish kind of


Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY
heyyyy been a long while since i posted literally been super busy building up and working on projects with a team i have in my studio now. the last thing we did which was metal was this band who i don't really like the music all too much but we put a lot of effort into getting the recording and production to sound as pro as possible....

this just finished getting mastered and the band is pressing the cds and just put up the songs on myspace. everything up until mastering was done at my studio. thoughts? (not on the music please)
Like the way the voice is recorded. Sounds very tight, very well-played....but get it offa mah space so we can listen to it properly! ;)
I thought the drummer from doomsday mourning had his own studio?

haha sorry, I completely forget to rate, it sounds ballin' as hell!
hey guys thanks. yeah i will get mp3s and put them on a flash player for better listening. the masters just came in for the band and i didn't even get the cd yet just the stuff that the ME sent for final listening i'm gonna get my hands on the final mp3s and put them on a flash player.

i think the mastering really squashed the crap out of it. there was no buss compression on the mix (each group was comp individually) and it got really slammed during mastering. earlier versions were even more compressed and distorted we had to have them back off. drums got crushed and bass came out a lot. the ME who i work with a lot was unavailable scheduling wise for when the band needed it so they decided to not wait (which i disagreed with) and go with one of the junior people at the mastering house. i don't think the guy had much experience with more non traditional music where there is a lot of concentrated energy especially with the amount of bass we had. they wanted a very like bassy and kind of mushy recording so all in they are very happy.

ps - yes the drummer has his own studio but its like a home studio nothing serious and they did the pre production and stuff there but they wanted the actual recording and mixing to be done in a different environment. drums were all played individually (drums then cymbals seperate) then quantized together and we made samples of his kit (pretty nice one actually) and used several other ones to kinda blend them together. he's an excellent drummer actually but they really wanted the robotic feel.... :erk:
not willing to wait for a decent master, it's not like they're on a major label so it would have paid off to just wait, and the whole each drums separately thing.
oh yeah i agree. i never understood bands that aren't on labels and their "release dates" still intrigues me. i guess they feel like they are lol. sounds f-ked up to say but still i break bands balls all the time like "are the people lined up at midnight on a monday night outside of best buy for this? what's the rush?"

i dunno. either way i'm happy with the results felt we got a pretty good low end for a metal mix without making things muddy. the pre mastered was less bassy and kind of messy in the low mids and low end the compression techniques kind of didn't help but either way it still survived all the compression. maybe i'll up the unmastered as well once i get my hands on the final cd and put up non mysapce clips so people can see the difference and how much more dynamics and clarity was in the mix. granted you lost dynamics and depth through modern mastering even by the top guys (ted jensen, howie weinberg, etc.) but still.