My current production


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011
Hi guys,

I'm curious of what you think about my current production.

I produced and recorded, I'm currently mixing and mastering the very first studio experience of this band (this is an EP) Unexperienced musicians means a big bunch of corrections from the producer about structures, playing, etc. and shit load of editing... well you got the picture :) But things are going out pretty well I think!

Here's a first mix (mastered). I'd like your opinion and advices as well if you feel you can provide some.
First song:

This second one is also mastered. Once again, I nailed some keyboards and sample arrangements. There are strings and orchestra stuff and as I'm not that comfortable with this kind of shit I'd really like to have your opinion. I didn't want to mix the strings really loud, just to support the melody and add strength to some parts. Enjoy!
Second song:
So far so good man. I think usually when people view it alot (even though 35 is not alot) and don't say anything about it it means its just okay. Nothing stands out to them enough to comment negatively or positively. Only thing I'm noticing is the kick might not be loud enough.
Thanks man, good to have some feedback ;) Yes, maybe you're right about the kick..
I'm not confident enough about guitars and bass: seems there's a lack of body but don't know how to give them something more solid.
Those guitars are a little grainy in my opinion. Perhaps try to smooth those out?

I also agree about the kick drum. It's a bit too much body and not enough snap.
I'm really diggin this mix. I think the only thing I would change is the vocal level - I think they are a bit too loud and kinda sound disconnected from the rest of the mix. But I'm really being picky - it's a very good mix as is.

Thanks guys for the comments, it helps a lot! And thanks Jonathan, it's encouraging ;)

I did some corrections here and there and put the new link on my first post. In fact, I warmed a bit the guitars, attenuated the low end and bring some more click in the kick. Also some changes in the levels between the parts. I think its better now but I'm fighting with the 'SHHH' in the vocals. I tried to put a DeEsser but it doesn't solve the problem. I guess I gotta automate them...
Not sure if this is accepted practice among the actual professionals, but I have started to de-ess things in stages throughout the chain until things are sorted out. So instead of one heavy handed instance trying and failing to correct the problem, I do a few more gentle instances along the way until it is no longer a distraction.

Sounds good to me otherwise. Nice work.
Yup, another - and final - mix up! And it's "mastered". SHHH shit fixed imo. I think it's enough.
Thanks for the inputs guys, it helped me to focus on important details. I'll upload more stuff real soon.
this is great as it is, nicely balanced. the band is lucky they got you and will have a killer first record, my first studio experience was shit, haha
like the music too, can you PM me the band name?
This is really awesome dude, it sounds huge but everything is very clear especially those cymbals. I love crisp cymbals.
Did some last corrections. Sounds like it's finished but positive/negative comments are always appreciated.

@trianglebutt: yes I love them really clear too but here the china sounds a bit too harsh. It's my third drum recordings actually so my mic placements are far from being perfect and I had to automate it. The overall drum sound is coherent tho to me.
nice mix! only two thing I'm noticing is the hat - try -2db fader down and kick not be loud enough.
I find the kick good as it is but I'm agree for the hats and this guy was my first problem. Unfortunately what you hear comes almost 100% from the overheads! As I said, it was my third drum recording and I didn't think to isolate the hats with a cymbal placed above it or something.

With several listening, and even with two stage multiband comp, I found that the guitars have a bit too much low end (125kHz-ish) especially at end in the second track. Don't ya think? I'll try too fix that and maybe bring up this area a little bit more in the bass.