Law degree complete!


May 31, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
Hey everyone!

Smashed my last exam like I smashed my Dad's Honda.

Obviously this means I am going to be a lawyer over here in Australia.

Don't give a stuff what some or all of you think but I'm going to take this opportunity to thank a few of you.

Rhonda: You provided spirit and gave me reason to focus. I hope you're enjoying yourself in Germany with Alex. He is a good man.

Tomas: Warrior. Enough said.

Tina: You dealt with me living at your place. Can I say any more?

Beave: Dickhead. I've noticed you have posted since Bochum. Fair call cunt. Rock and roll soldier.

Sam: Save the best for last. Brother. It is not long til I hit your country and wreak ultimate havoc and desolation amongst the hills of Scotland. Tell me son, can Scotland handle lawyer from Australia?

It is with this I salute everyone that has supported me through thick and thin.

amon666; you're a bloody legend mate and as soon as I leave Europe I'm on may way to Canada to share a quality meal with you and your family. Ignore the bullshit, you're a good kid.

At the end of the day I must sincerely thank every single member from Amon Amarth. Your music, your spirit and your dedication has given me the will and ability to turn everything that has been negative into a positive. Without you guys, I would have never have achieved my Law degree. For that I thank-you.

Ted: I told you I would do it. Remember that? :)

"Pride and Glory, in Our Hearts".

I am indebted to you all forever. I shall stay true to my word.

See you all in Aussie-land soon!

Shame you could not have become a lawyer in NZ, I hear the sheep there need representation. You still could do so as both AU and NZ are common-law.

In either case, congratulations; how good are you at helping people avoid tax?
Fuckin awesome mate! Congratulations! Maybe one day I will have graduated aswell althought I have a quite awhile to go yet!

And of course Scotland isn't ready for you but you will come over anyway! :lol:

Now down to business....I know there is the issue of different countries but I have a few restraining orders I need you to make disappear....
thanks everyone! tax avoidance is my forte :p

i think my parents are happier than i am. still hasn't hit me that it is all over. time to destroy peoples lives like all good lawyers do :devil:
Well done pal. Best of luck with job hunting, let me know if you need a court intepreter. Reasonable rates.

As for coming to Scotland, I guess there's room for one more Aussie since we seem to have all your youth here anyway, I'm surprised there's anyone left in there.