Lawyers Vs Metal


was 'ere
Aug 22, 2001
:mad: I dunno whether this sort of thing happens to you guys out there...

The problem starts with assholes suing everyone because they can't or won't take responsibility for their actions. Tripped over on a rock? Sue the fucking government for not cleaning it from your path! Get $50 000 for your sore fucking toe you loser. Are you fucking serious!??

Excuse me while I vent my anger over this, but this litigious society crap has gone way too far & it's time we all spoke up about it!

For the past 11 years Australia's elite heavy bands have donated their time & energy into supporting the National Brain Injury foundation & the Alex Hurley Trust via the annual "Metal For The Brain" charity event in Canberra.

This years' event has been cancelled due to public liability insurers being unwilling to cover it. In the time this charity event has been running there has been no (zero) insurance claims resulting from personal injury. None. This is a drug-free event which raises thousands upon thousands of dollars each year for a very worthy cause - there is no violence, only comeraderie. Ironically this event started as a result of insurance companies refusing to pay compensation to a victim of senseless violence outside a hotel. His friends in local metal bands began this annual festival to raise money for him, as he is now permanently wheelchair bound & dependant on carers 24hrs per day!!!

It never ceases to amaze how very obviously drug related events such as 'rave parties' :rolleyes: are easily covered by insurers, though when the words "Heavy Metal" are used these same insurers run a mile! It is an abomination that such a well respected, well attended & well behaved event such as Metal For The Brain should be cancelled for fear of litigation. The organisers of this event spend the better part of a year devoted to organising it (which for the past 3 years has attracted international bands & recognition) all for a good cause!

Soon, boys & girls you won't be able to walk into your favourite shopping centre/venue/whatever without having your own public liability insurance!!! You think I'm joking!? Just wait!! It's time this crap stopped! :mad:

How many events do you guys know about that are cancelled for the same reason? :(
I think they just want to make sure metal keeps its bad name. If people hear about metal bands doing things for charity, they may no longer be able to use them as a scapegoat for societys fuck ups.

Actually, it's probably just insurance companies being total assholes.
I see your point. But, on the other hand. I've seen more...ahh...altercations at heavy metal gigs than rave parties. Fact is, if everyones E'ing, like at a Rave...there is very little chance of any random acts of violence. Maybe someone dehydrating or exploding from not taking a piss but thats extremely rare. BUT if everyones drinking at a heavy metal gig...than there's gonna be more glass broken and more bleeding toes...if you know what I mean.

Don't flame me..I'm just making a few points from what I've seen.
Originally posted by Cutter
I see your point. But, on the other hand. I've seen more...ahh...altercations at heavy metal gigs than rave parties. Fact is, if everyones E'ing, like at a Rave...there is very little chance of any random acts of violence. Maybe someone dehydrating or exploding from not taking a piss but thats extremely rare. BUT if everyones drinking at a heavy metal gig...than there's gonna be more glass broken and more bleeding toes...if you know what I mean.

Don't flame me..I'm just making a few points from what I've seen.

Man I've been to thousands of metal gigs & the last time I saw a fight was at a *ahem* Guns'n'Roses gig about 13 years ago! Are you talking about *real* Metal gigs? ;)

No flame intended here, BTW!
I'm not talking about a fight as such...though the risk is there when you mix alcohol and rage. I'm referring to someone copping a random elbow or knee to the head or pelvic region, or maybe taking a small step of a 2 mtr stage and busting an ankle. I'd say thats what the bloodsucking insurance companies are worreid about.

Not that I agree...its some fucked up shit that they pulled the plug... I would of been happy to pay a bit extra to cover the indemnity cost if it could be the case. But these days, insurance companies are getting more and more anal about indemnity.
Its because of the way people react to the music itself at concerts. I'm not flaming metal in any way by this, its just you don't 'dance' to metal, you headbang. Sometimes the headbanging and moshing can be very violent and a threat to yer health. At raves everyone respects each others personal space and bad injuries from smacking into another person are much rarer.

Then again...this is absolutely no reason why they should have cancelled that concert. What a bunch of fucking morons.
Originally posted by Dakk
Man I've been to thousands of metal gigs & the last time I saw a fight was at a *ahem* Guns'n'Roses gig about 13 years ago! Are you talking about *real* Metal gigs? ;)

All bow down to the seasoned veteran. :rolleyes:

Thousands, eh? That would imply at least 2,000...which means, oh, a metal show every other day for 11 or 12 years straight? Didn't know Australia had such a nice scene.

And yes, I think he means "real" metal...damn, I saw a serious fight at a Nile show just one month ago. Maybe you're the one not going to "real" metal gigs...:lol:
yeah, this is completely fucked.
I was counting myself very unlucky that because of other commitments I have recently undertaken, I was not able to attendthis years brain. I went to my first one last year and it was fucking sick.
Now I count myself lucky, cause for example. A member of my band was going over again(me and him went together last year to support our mutual friends in psycroptic, and to witness the cream of the crop of australia's metal acts). He had his plane ticket already ordered and his accomodation sorted out. All this was over $500, now it's wasted. So him and a few of the other guys are still going over simply because they have tickets and accomodation that need to be used. Fuck that. Who'd want to go to canberra for any other reason other than metal for the brain. It's fucked up. SEVERELY!!

By the way, Dakk. If you are from Dungeon, hat's off to you gus. You kick ass in every old school sense of the word.
Too fucking hardcorish idealsman shut the fuck up. Im happy with being a selfish person in a metal scene who is not asked for money all the time to save some strange fuck that probably doesnt deserves it. If the guys want to be "good friends" they should put your friend out of his misery and fucking kill him, thats cheaper and that doesnt bothers people with your idealistic crap in a forum.
I understand that & I'd probably appreciate it if I understood what he was ranting about :)

If he's problem with charity gigs then I don't see why, I've been to some fantastic lineups in the last year in memoriam of such players as Chuck Schuldiner from Death & Jonny Morrow from Iron Monkey, money from which went to charities & were the best sendoff to cool musicians.

Whilst I don't give money to people directly I don't have a problem with money I pay to see decent bands going to someone who may benefit from it.

& I know of a few death metal heroes (including those I mentioned) who have died or are crippled from brain disease or cancer & if anything it's good to help them.
Well I am in lawschool, and currently work as a lawclerk in a respectable- not tv commercial- personal injury, workers comp, labor law firm. Yes, it is out of hand, but in many many cases people are being screwed by insurance companies and large companies. One case I am working on now at my firm, is that of a rape- the girl who opens up a national chain restaurant, was raped by a homeless man, because the restaurant had not fixed the locks. She opened the store alone . The chain has been fighting this intentional tort of negligence for over a year, it is on appeal, and they refuse to bow down. This girl is obviously emotionally distraught, and immersed in depression, and has health problems.

These kinds of cases go on and on, for every time you hear a bad lawsuit, there is a person totally fucked who doesnt have any money, and will never see the money they deserve. And i have come to the conclusion that insurance companies are the devil- my god the lawyers they hire, just bombard the other side with discovery requests.

As for metal concerts being dangerous, I know the slayer show I went to last year, the guy next to me got his nose broken, and i got blood all over my shirt, its only happened once, but hey danger is involved. I am almost sure that in American law at least, there is a assumption of risk, and a disclaimer on most tickets, so one would have to be injured in a cleary intentional way. For sporting events this is the case, i dont see why this wouldnt carry over to concerts
I cant emagine many if hardly any metal fans actually would try to make claims on getting hurt at a gig. Metal gigs certainly are often violent but more annoyingly so - so that people just get bruised and generally pissed off - rather than actually seriously injured.

Strangely enough, the most violent gig i was ever at was Amen. Half of their fans seemed to be a right bunch of Nazi right-wing skin head fucks and there were a whole bunch of fights plus they didnt give a shit about anyone else.

I dont know what its like elsewhere but here in the UK, the Kerrang channel on sky (please note i only ever used to watch this out of boredom ok!) used to play this damn Claims Direct advert - of the "falen over, ever wondered if hard working people owe you money for your own stupidness... well they probably do", bob from chester: "I was trying to change a lightbulb when the pile of boxes i was balanced on gave way and I broke my leg, I got 2000 pounds... and you could too" type. And this wasn t every now and then, no this was literally the ONLY advert they ever played, every fove fucking minutes. I really made you want to smash the screen, with your own face.
But on the positive side, aparently this crappy coumpany actually went bust so maybe things arent that bad after all :)
Originally posted by LordPaul
I understand that & I'd probably appreciate it if I understood what he was ranting about :)

If he's problem with charity gigs then I don't see why, I've been to some fantastic lineups in the last year in memoriam of such players as Chuck Schuldiner from Death & Jonny Morrow from Iron Monkey, money from which went to charities & were the best sendoff to cool musicians.

Whilst I don't give money to people directly I don't have a problem with money I pay to see decent bands going to someone who may benefit from it.

& I know of a few death metal heroes (including those I mentioned) who have died or are crippled from brain disease or cancer & if anything it's good to help them.

Thats easy: I just dont belive in charity ( of ANY kind ) and it pisses me off.
No one's gonna sue at a charity event! Jesus!

I was working a charity concert at a fancy restaurant a couple years ago, and some idiots knocked over the stage onto my leg. I could have sued the crap out of the venue, but didn't because it was a benefit concert for cancer. I just asked them to take care of my medical expenses, which they did, and I was fine with that.