leafblade lyrics


danny cavanagh
Apr 30, 2002
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if you like a bit of poetry i reccomend checking out what Sean Rooney has been writing... you can find lyrics and info about the band at www.leafblade.tk
here's one of my favourites...
Beyond, Beyond (Old Man Willow)

Where, where,
O where has she gone -
Through beauty, sorrow, love and joy,
To where the sun and moon are one,
A single spirit, an harmonious play…
A kiss for her brow at end of day…

There, beyond the fallen log in fire,
Beyond the wind’s breath in her ire,
Where now in a spill, pools the moon-glow,
Dewing the meadow-grass far below,

There, she her secret keeps,
Where forlorn Old Man Willow weeps,
Beneath the sunmoon moonsun silver
Tremulous at midnight, all a-quiver;

Beneath his lamb-soft parental embrace,
His fingers gentle upon her face,
There, she ‘neath his bowers lies,
Where the ageless moon-beams dance and die,
Where the pearls from a million suns have shone,
Where every tiny flower has its throne.

Spirit Child

Where the sunlight in your hair
Ignites the beauty in your stare,
All the river’s shimmering
Is drowned within your glimmering…

(One-two) many days,
I’ve let you stand here in the
(Three-four) pouring rain
Lonely, the winter sleeping
(Five-six) icy weeks,
Weeping tender through my call…

In your dancing near the shore
Where my breath had sang before,
Spirit Child you didn’t see
My soft watching, angel free!
Without a care you drank the wind,
My ghostly ever-heart of will;
All the rosiest jewels you are,
Child in sleep, in spirit, far…

(One-two) many days,
I’ve let you stand here in the
(Three-four) pouring rain
Lonely, the winter sleeping
(Five-six) icy weeks,
Weeping tender through my call…
(One-two) many days,
I’ve let you stand here in the
(Three-four) pouring rain
Lonely, the winter sleeping
(Five-six) icy weeks,
Weeping tender through my call…

aye i like that, very good
Sunset Eagle

Soaring to the fading sky,
The great white eagle starts to fly
To the melting sun.........
Floating, on this timeless flight
To the ever advancing night,
From the waning day...
Upon the clouds he lazily flies-
Plumage of gold reflects the skies...
As he slowly soars on......

The land around him looms below,
The sun besets his fiery glow,
Like a realm of colour...
Without a care he seems to float-
Ominous cries strike fiery notes
That are heard no more...
Sunset signs his golden flight-
Dreamy journeys through pillars of light...

As he slowly soars on...

Live- thrive!
The sky is your sea!
Live in harmony.
its good isnt it?, can almost hear a chord progression to accompany that too or something. that part in re-connect is one of my favourites too, black as coal etc etc
"The land around him looms below,
The sun besets his fiery glow,
Like a realm of colour...
Without a care he seems to float-
Ominous cries strike fiery notes
That are heard no more...
Sunset signs his golden flight-
Dreamy journeys through pillars of light..."

and this part is beautiful.