Learning to scream....am I doing it right?


Apr 3, 2009
So the past few weeks i've been tirelessly trying to teach myself to scream "correctly". I finally feel the light bulb has turned on and I've located the correct "false" chords...but I had some concerns. I wanted to see your thoughts because I want to make sure I'm teaching myself correctly...as if I'm not....I really don't want to fuck my chords up.

Reason I think I'm doing it right.
1) When i scream I feel the vibration at the top of my throat where my neck meets my head....not in my lower throat where my singing chods vibrate
2) I can scream and sing immediately after
3) I can scream for extended periods and it doesn't feel like someone is pouring razorblades down my throat liek when I tried to scream from my "wrong" chords...or from my throat or whatever
4) My diaphragm feels like its worked out after

Reason I'm concerned:
1) After screaming for awhile my throat is sensitive/sore/tired...what have you....not in a painful way really...just noticeable. I was hoping this is just because i'm excersizing a new part of my throat...but wanted to make sure.
2) After screaming for awhile I mildly mose my voice...again not sure if its a matter of excersizing new areas
3) Granted I don't expect to sound amazing yet...but I feel theres a little bit of a gargly sound to my scream...not sure how to explain it...but it doesnt' sound quite as clear of a scream. Want to make sure i'm not still using some part of the wrong chords.

So if there are any screamers out there that may have some insight that would be awesome. I'm sure many of you otu there may have recently learned to scream and can remember some of the stepping stones. If you need any other info let me know....otherwise...thanks for the input ahead of time!:rock: