Learning to Scream...Help?

Yeah, I'm not using my diaphram at all? Haha, it kind of soundsl ike the guy from silent civilian in a way.

I got Zen of screaming 2, seems pretty good. But the only thing I've seen that has been cool is the C excercise, might help with lows and stuff. Everything else seems kind of meh.

Also, I want to learn to scream like this guy:


He has a much deeper scream that me, and doesn't have this certain tonality I can't escape. I'll keep honing my skills in my car, and maybe by the time I'm out of college I'll be good enough. I plan to buy a mic pretty soon though to record with (used a drum mic on that, haha) Then, I can record all my vocal parts, and REALLY work on being able to pull it off and play guitar live.
I have to agree with JBroll ... the exercises on the Zen Of Screaming 1 (including the warmups) are essential.

I bought both DVDs and funnily enough everyone complains about the first one, while I think it is the much more important DVD ...