Learning vocals.


New Metal Member
Mar 9, 2014
Hey everyone. I doubt this is the right place to put this, but here I go.

So I'm another of the thousands of people hoping to learn metal vocals. I've been practicing for.. About a week now, I guess. Problem is, I don't actually know that many people who can help me along, tell me what I'm doing wrong or right, give me pointers, that sort of thing. So my first question is quite basic: I'm pretty sure the best way for you guys to tell me what I'm doing wrong is to actually hear me growling/screaming, whatever. So, would you all suggest I record a short bunch of "test" sounds for you to hear, or should I record a full song (Which I really can't do all that well. I don't get "sore", just.. Tired, I guess.)

Keep in mind for this that my mike connects to an amp, not a computer or recorder, so I'd end up recording with a computer mic. It wont sound as good, but I -think- you'll get the general idea. Right?
Hey fella's. I'm back. So I've made a short recording to show what I can do right now. I'm still not particularly good, but I've been practicing. If you would be so kind, please click the link and tell me your thoughts. What I do well, what I do badly, what I should start off by improving upon. That sort of thing.
Just as an fyi, I also do "clean" vocals, and do have a vocal coach. Not sure if that's considered "cheating" or whatever, but there you go.



I recorded it using audacity, with a "proper" usb mic. I haven't used any effects like layering or.. Well, anything. That's just the raw recording.
I see that you are not getting much help....lol, sorry about that. Couple of questions for you before any advice. How much experience do you have singing, not metal vocals, but actually singing. 2nd...have you ever had any vocal lessons at all.
Thanks for the reply executioner. It's not a problem really, I expect everyone is thinking, "Oh look. Another little emo trying to scream about his daddy issues" or something.

Experience singing.. Not much. Some though. Embarrassingly, it's mostly stuff you'd find being sung by 1d. As for vocal lessons, yep, I've been doing them for plus minus three months now, once every two weeks.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply!