Death Metal Vocals?????


New Metal Member
Oct 15, 2003
i dont know if i'm doing my vocals right or not... but.... they sound alright through a mic, or when i record them on the computer and raise the volume level, then they sounds pretty good... however, when i do them in person, without a mic and no amplification, people tell me that i'm "whispering"... just because i'm not doing it "deep enough"... i don't get it... if i do it like they're doing it, then i can seriously damage my vocal chords... when i do it, i use the least amount of vocal chord usage, and mainly it's all coming from my gut... is this the correct way or what?
Mercyful_King said:
i dont know if i'm doing my vocals right or not... but.... they sound alright through a mic, or when i record them on the computer and raise the volume level, then they sounds pretty good... however, when i do them in person, without a mic and no amplification, people tell me that i'm "whispering"... just because i'm not doing it "deep enough"... i don't get it... if i do it like they're doing it, then i can seriously damage my vocal chords... when i do it, i use the least amount of vocal chord usage, and mainly it's all coming from my gut... is this the correct way or what?

Couple ways to go about it:

A.) Raise the mic/volume so you don't have to growl loud
B.) Sacrifice your vocal chords and go balls out

that's the two common ways ..... on stage, it's EXTREMELY hard to maintain a good presence while growling softly, but for the studio, whatever works works. If you're looking to preserve your vocal chords, then increasing volume/gain is the way to do it, but the more traditional manner is to move the air from the stomach and ravage your vocal chords .... if using this manner it's wise to use some sort of method of protecting your throat, i.e. Chloraseptic spray (my preferred choice) ... or honey
well, it always sounds better if you put some ass behind it, rather than just whispering. and like they said, if you're whispering into a mic onstage, you'll probably get hit with tomatoes or shoes or something.

the best way to learn how would be to gradually increase your volume (not all at once), at a comfortable level, then eventually you should be able to sound awesome at a decent volume
Feicht said:
well, it always sounds better if you put some ass behind it, rather than just whispering. and like they said, if you're whispering into a mic onstage, you'll probably get hit with tomatoes or shoes or something.

the best way to learn how would be to gradually increase your volume (not all at once), at a comfortable level, then eventually you should be able to sound awesome at a decent volume

Not always true. I can pull a lot of stuff at a lower level that sounds much more beastial than my normal type growls. It's kind of a pain in the ass by comparison though because it can be difficult to hear yourself until after it's been recorded.
I suggest checking out some books or websites on singing in general so that you don't do any permanent damage to your voice.

Beyond that I wouldn't worry about how your voice comes across unamplified. If you're happy with your style I wouldn't change it too much just to get a louder growl. When it the last time you saw any death metal band play acoustic?!?
well, im no pro, but mine just come out. i just get in the right mindset and it just comes out. i do it alot from the gut. it does take time though. when i started, i would do it in a whisper type thing. i actuially learned it by ear from Opeth, Bloodbath, and Cannibal Corpse. i just put more umph behind it and really used my gut and i got decent sound. if you do it the right way, you wont really have to worry about volume. it takes a while to get used to the feeling, starts off you feel like your gonna cough, but at that point, take a rest. just keep at it, it will come to as you wish soon enough.