Least favourite extreme vocalists


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
I.e. growls/screams etc. I mean yes, it's easier to be a half decent growler than a decent singer (the REALLY AWESOME growlers are few and far between however) but some just totally fail. ITT we post those who do.

* Mark "Barney" Greenway (Napalm Death)
* Dave Ingram (Benediction)
* Overlord Nasty Metatheos (Blessed in Sin)

Can't think of more ATM but I got a Napalm Death song on random and it strikes me every time how the vocals are just horrible fucking shit. Say Varg or, especially, Quorthon and I'll seek you out and kick your ass. Just a FYI.
Chris Barnes and George Fisher piss me the hell off.

And the second Cryptopsy vocalist (Not Lacroix, not Lord Worm, I forget his name)
Chris Barnes (America the brutal, HAHAHA)
Angela Gossow (Just a pile of vocal effects, and she is shit live)
The guy from Vomitory (Bores me to tears)

Can't think of any more at the moment.

one that really sticks out in my mind is the GOrguts vocalist. his growls ruined the pretty good Obscura for me.

and yes it's grind, but the vocalist on Napalm's Death second album was pretty bad. Wasn't that Lee Dorrian?

Attila and Darken are great.
Tranquillian said:
If he says David Vincent he can fuck off.
yeah, what this guy said. vincent is probably my all time favorite extreme vocalist.

pretty much any of the dudes that all sound the same, which is like 95% of them. dudes that do wacky stuff like attila fucking rule.