Lecherous Nocturne's gear stolen in Houston TX!


Nov 16, 2005
these dudes are good friends of mine so i thought i'd share this here, it really sucks to see this...if anyone in the area knows anything, or knows someone who might PLEASE get in touch with me (pm, post here, or whatever) or hit the band up www.myspace.com/lecherousnocturne

In Houston, TX, at approximately 2:15pm (Central) today, Lecherous Nocturne's tour van and U-Haul were stolen from:

Edwards Theatre (IMAX) - in Houston - I'll get you an address as soon as I look it up.

Tentatively, it looks like:
7600 Katy Freeway
Houston, TX 77024

It was stolen out of the parking lot - it seems that the drivers side window was broken out to gain access.

It is:
silver/grey - stock black/dark grey pin-stripe
Ford E150 - hightop conversion van
Plate: SC 517-VVY
Had an attached U-Haul trailer - unknown tag

EVERYTHING is in the van - PLEASE, help find it immediately!!

(2) - BC Rick neck-through V's
(1) - Dean V
(1) - 6 string Ibanez bass

(2) Full stacks
- 4x12 Rivera straight cabs
- 4x12 Crate slant cabs
- Digitech 2112 Head
- Digitech 2120 Head
- Mackie 1400i Power Amp
- QSC E50
- Crown 602 Power Amp

photos of the van:


Damn. Edward's Theater huh? Yeah, that's not really a good/safe area of town anymore. On behalf of my city, I apologize. But it doesn't surprise, with the way things have been shaping up around here lately. A while back I had over 8 grand of various audio gear stolen from a pad locked storage facility. It blows!
I also apologize on behalf of my city. I know the area you're talking about very well and it is kind of a shady area. No too terribly far of a drive from my apartment (montrose/heights area). I assume the authorities were contacted, and I'm not trying to be a bummer, but Houston police never recover thefts unless the person actually gets pulled over driving the said vehicle. Every pawn shop in the area however does get a list of the gear, so if it comes up then the police department is notified, in theory. Lets hope in this case they get it back. It's not easy for musicians to purchase new gear.
yeah, the chances of them recovering anything but MAYBE the van or trailer are slim-to-none...but they're really cool guys that don't deserve this crap, i figured i'd atleast spread the word

they're from south carolina here so they're pretty far out from home there in houston
Dude, Edwards? WTF were they doing there? They needed some better contacts or some shit.

My friend got his Harley Davidson stolen from the parking lot of a sports bar across the street.

That area's a piece of shit.

Actually, pretty much the whole fucking city is a piece of shit.

I hate this place.

/will NEVER claim TX.
//NYer through and through.
I have dealt with H.P.D. about stolen gear a few times and nothing ever happens. That stuff is probably in Mexico by now.
This "whole fucking piece of shit" is my home, and has been my family's home for a long time. You can have whatever opinions you want, but don't trashy your host's home...we didn't twist your arm to be here. If you don't like it...there's an easy solution.
You dont like my opinion, then STFU about it... I couldnt care about your stupid pet peeve.