Left-Handed dudes, suggestions on a guitar?


Santa Hat Forever
Hey guys, my wife´s left-handed and we´re looking to get her a new guitar soon, she´s had the same one for over 10 years and I´ve never liked it, and she´s starting to dislike it too. Hers is a Gibson Sg, good expensive guitar but it just doesn´t cut it for what we use it for. To play Doom/Death in our main band, it just doesn´t give the brootz like it should, specially for leads, too thin and scratchy, lacks body and creaminess. To play rock and roll in our cover band, we struggle to get a good sound out of it. Weird harsh highs, lacking lows, unstable mids.

So at this point we´re looking at all possible options, personally we love Les Pauls, but weight is a very important factor (she´s a wuss) so we´re kind of keeping them out of the question for now. Her dream guitar would be a PRS, but they´re expensive enough as they are, let alone finding a left-handed one. We´re thinking anything between Ibanez, Esp/Ltd, Jackson, any good stuff that might do the job, and we´re looking at anything between 300 to 1000 $, it´s not for right now so we have time to analize all the options. Also, we´re inclined towards passive pups, but we´re open to anything at this moment.

Throw some thoughts my way, please!
Lefty here too!! So hard to find guitars hehe

I play a silhouette special from music man... I can do everything with this axe but if you want something brutal maybe the look will not do it!!

Check out the axis super sport available for lefty! Awesome guitar.

If you like the les paul but the weight an issue and you want something affordable then stop looking and go grab an LTD EC1000.

The EC1000 is certainly my next purchase!

Good luck!
the Fame guitars at Musicstore are pretty good, afaik they're built by the same guys who built Mayones guitars.
A friend of mine owns one and has a PRS, too, they sound different (like every guitar) but it's in the same area,
good quality, good playability and they aren't that expensive.

Mensinger guitars are pretty cool, they're all custom built, but pretty cheap because they're from poland, the
pickups are custom wound from a guy here in Germany (doing this for other 20 years afaik, the pickups go for
100-150€ per humbucker).
This one is a PRS Style, left hand, almost 1000€, I know, but from time to time, they have some models that
were longer in stock or that they showed on an exhibition so they're cheaper-pretty nice guys, just write
them a mail.
If you need help with the German on the page, just hit me up on fb.
Tried some guitars with the bass player from my old guitar 3 years ago (he plays lefthanded, I am able
to play that way a bit because I am lefthanded, but learned right handed). Sucks that there are either
really cheap and most of the time shitty guitars or very expensive ones.

I hate the look, but at least the right handed version was pretty light and sounded good

pretty sure it's too heavy, but great guitars and sooo cheap, especially through dv247.

more than 1000€, good guitar, not as heavy as an lp.

but the Fame guitars are pretty good, not that expensive and they have 30 different lefthanded models.
Most of them are sold with Seymour Duncan pickups, Schaller tuners and so on, good stuff.
You can even ask them to change the pickups or get a piezo pickup in there, too.
/\ Dude I went into a Guitar Center a week ago, they had 3 lefties and they were all the budget $150 POS Ibanez...FUUUUUUUUUU