
Anyone here Left-handed? I am, and I don't think this thread has been covered yet, everything else has, so I might as well get it over with :D

Personally, I don't like being left-handed, I don't know if right-handers ever think about this stuff, but the entire writing system (At least English and other languages that use the phoenician or wherever we got the alphabet from letters) is designed for right-handers. So as I write my hand smears the ink/graphite, and I whatever is written on the pen/pencil is upside down to me. Lots of other little annoyances come about too, I always find myself reaching for toiletflushers or doorhandles with my left hand, realize there's nothing there, then notice it's on the right side, and reach for it there.

Yes, This was just a pointless rant, but any other lefthanders want to vent, go for it, if you don't care, ignore me.
i too feel your pain for i am left handed also. it used to really suck in school when i tried to write down notes in class on a spiral notebook with the freakin spiral on the left side plus all the ink would get smeared all over the place. its also hell trying to learn to play guitar becuase i would find myself moving my left hand when i should only be moving my right hand. DAMN THIS CURSE!
A lefty here too! I've been left-handed since as long as I can remember...

The only time it sucks is when I'm writing with one of those pens that spews out a lot of ink, and when my moves by, it smears the ink on the page, and you can't pick it out!

Other than that, left-handedness rocks...
Well, I write left handed. And I do everything else right handed.

I still sometimes get confused with left and right because of this, and I am terribly unco-ordinated. One Shrink said I had some Bi-Polar thingy, where the sides of my brain are switched over, so what ever the right side in a normal person does, the left side of my brain does those tasks instead.

So I endup being all unco.

I still use sissors, kick a ball, and play guitar right handed, but write left handed.

It is spastik and I hate it, and my writing is abysmally messy.

As one teacher told me...
Lefty here. Of course I share all of your pains. I had a problem today as well. I was late for a class today, and it was quite full. I ended up with a middle seat, and was knocking elbows all day with this girl sitting next to me, eventually I tucked my elbow in, but it made writing uncomfortable. Us lefties have it bad in this world, we should unite, KILL RIGHTY! :lol:
No, I'm not left-handed, but I have always wondered
who of you here on the Opethboard were :eek:)

I can write with both my left and my right hand.
This is because I used to write a whole lot when I
was younger (and didn't have the internet). So to let
my right arm rest I used my left arm :eek:)
About that ink smudging all over.... It depends if you
squeeze your hand down on the paper. But of course,
it's easy for me to say, I can just switch hands >:eek:P

My left-hand-hand-writing is not as "good-looking" as
my right-hand-hand-writing, but I don't think anyone
could tell the difference cause my handwriting is all
over the place... >:eek:)

When I was a kid the lefthanded kids used to defend
themselves saying they were smarter than us
righthanded. Are there really any differences between
lefthanded and righthanded people, besides the
obvious things....?
:eek: many lefties here :D coool
I'm right handed!! (kill me :p )

Kushantaiidan@kill this teacher!! :D
"abysmally messy"
:bah: how can teacher always come up with such amusing things?
Yep, I'm a leftie too. And speaking of that, how many years of life expectancy do we have less than
right-handed persons? Six years, no?
I 've no problems for writing, as I don't use an inkpen, just biros. But my problem goes with the bass playing. I play bass like a right-handed guy, because since I've listened to metal I've always played 'air guitar' like a rightie, for some unknown reason. And it's kinda hard for my right wrist to do some trem picking, fast alternate picking and stuff, as the strings are much far from each other comparing w/ a guitar, which I played a year ago,but gave up because I sucked and wanted somthing new.
Originally posted by Blackspirit

When I was a kid the lefthanded kids used to defend
themselves saying they were smarter than us
righthanded. Are there really any differences between
lefthanded and righthanded people, besides the
obvious things....?

The only difference that I konw of is that left handed people have more of an imagination. Because the right side of your brain with controls the left side of your body :s ,also imagination. So since you use it more it's the dominate side so you have more of an imagination. Right handed are more logical though. And if your both I don't know :)
Oyo, this link may be of some use to you?
Left Handed Music Tips

I found the below interesting ;)
"People are also left-footed and right-footed. Usually one eye is stronger than the other, so people can be left-eyed and right-eyed. And even stranger: pay close attention to your friends' faces. Really stare at them, watch closely when their lips curve into smiles. You'll see that people are almost always strongly left-faced or right-faced. One side is usually much more expressive than the other. In fact, if you mirror the two sides of a person's face to create a left-composite and a right-composite, you'll find yourself looking at two completely different people."

I think I am left faced & right footed? :lol:
