lemmy sex god ...


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
so any good groupie stories from you blokes in bands ...

http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/MÖTORHEAD's LEMMY KILMISTER Explains What Makes Him Irresistible To Women - May 24, 2006 MOTÖRHEAD mainman Lemmy Kilmister has made the Maxim magazine's Top 10 list of "Living Legends of Sex." In the June 2006 of the magazine, the MOTÖRHEAD singer "explains what makes him irresistible to women." Lemmy reveals his perfect woman and if he's gotten lucky.

Maxim: You popped your cherry when you were 18. How'd it happen?

Lemmy: "On a beach. In the rain. It was miserable, and that sand gets everywhere, you know."

Maxim: And since then you've scored 2,000 women…

Lemmy: "I never said 2,000. I said 1,000. It's probably 1,200 or so now. I've been at it a long time and I was never married, so there hasn't been any time off."

Maxim: Does a guy have to be good looking to impress the gals?

Lemmy: "It's not so much looks as it is making them laugh. Chicks don't give a fuck about handsome in the final analysis. It's because they take the makeup off every day, and they know how deep handsome is."

Maxim: You have a reputation for being considerate with the ladies, which isn't the case with many rock stars. What's the most unchivalrous thing you've observed?

Lemmy: "I saw the whole Ozzy Osbourne crew go through a chick once. But she was up for it, so what the fuck do you do? If a guy fucks nine women in an evening, you'd say he was a hero. But if a chick does it, you'd say she was a slut. I don't believe it, and it's not fair. Women have multiple orgasms, which we don't have. And yet we're the ones tomcatting all over the place just so we can have our moment."

Maxim: Have you regretted any of your conquests after the deed was done?

Lemmy: "It's like the saying: I've never gone to bed with an ugly chick, but I've woken up with a few. Our lighting guy has a funny one. There were these two chicks who followed us around in Germany. We called them the Monsters of Rock. One of them had three teeth, the other one was bald, and they were both fat. One night he called one of them, desperate and drunk, and he went to bed with her. When he woke up he hid in the bathroom until she'd gone."

Maxim: Who's your perfect woman, and have you done her yet?

Lemmy: "Raquel Welch, Halle Berry, and no and no. Oh, and Janet Jackson. I haven't slept with her either."
every time i think of groupies i think of these two fat slutty girls that show up at every fucking metal show in portland

one of them actually tried to drunkenly hit on me one time, my friend max and i just cracked up
fat chicks are always super horny ... and put on a good show in bed ... not that I went there "yet" ...
although that waitress from the ISIS show night ... man ... she is still a fuel for fantasy :loco:
lurch70 said:
fat chicks are always super horny

Don't even have to be that fat, just a little bit and they're nuts. I know that because of an ex who got me drunk to get me in bed... :erk::zombie: :erk: :puke:

I'd call it a horrible memory, but I don't remember any of it.
Ive only slept with four women. First two were crappy, thrid one was kinda boring but liked to just lay their and take it. The girl Im messin around with now is actually just a friend and shes wild. Best sex Ive ever had. Good times, everyone should experience a wild girl just once. Oh and fat chicks give the best head. But Iwont sleep with them.
lurch70 said:
so any good groupie stories from you blokes in bands ...

nah, I won't touch him with a stick, but I did however liked the fact he mentioned that we women have many orgasms and men don't
so why are we considered to be sluts??????

on another note: I am a true believe in class. :Smug:
Yeah one time I met a really hot chick at a show I was playing and then a few days later we went out and she was totally rad and I really liked her and she had big boobies and I didn't get any. The end.

My big toe on the right foot is very sensitive, so be careful in that area. Unless this is just my cunning attempt to trick you...