LEPROUS video clip from PPUSA

I don't care what the guy says on the video. I want to see the new stuff.

And if he's the same guy standing in front of the camera, I want to kick his ass.
You're going to have to kick my ass, John .. haha. I believe I will have to accept blame for this one ... had no idea there was a camera and mic rolling that close to me, or I would have kept quiet. I was mainly joking with a buddy at the time ... both of us are huge fans of the The Tall Poppy Syndrome disc, and we both kept wondering why they were playing songs nobody would know when their new disc isn't even due out for several months. This song I actually was really into.

Embarrassed !

Sweet, thanks for posting this! Great memories of the set.

Here's another, even more recent, video of them playing another kickass song (Passing) live in Skuret, Oslo last Saturday. We were lucky enough to grab some kinda decent flights over and it was certainly very special to see them in such an intimate environment at the tiny venue maybe in front of like 50-70 people! Good thing they are starting their first "big" European tour supporting Therion in 2 days and playing places for like 1000-2000 people, I'm thinking they will make quite a few new fans on this tour.

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Very cool! Except for Richard Cranium blocking the shot! :heh: Loved their set!
I have a horrible monitor here at work, but I'm pretty sure I'm not the one blocking the view at least. If it's a tall bald headed dude I think I might know who it was. I do know who it was that yelled "White" !!

I love the edit job on the beginning of the video ... nice work !

Thanks for posting this! What an godly set that was. I know I'm one of the off-rhythm arm flailers in the front row - can't tell for certain which one, but I was up there. :kickass: I really hope we get the chance to see them again in the States someday!
I saw myself in the vid, and only because I saw the girl that was in front of and to the left of me. She was headbanging and whipping her hair in my face throughout their set and even though I kept inching back and to the right to get just out of flailing distance, it was like she was following me. haha.

Awesome vid, brings back great memories of one of my highlights of the weekend (aside from the hair-whippage). Hope I get another chance to see them and can't wait for the new album.
I saw myself in the vid, and only because I saw the girl that was in front of and to the left of me. She was headbanging and whipping her hair in my face throughout their set and even though I kept inching back and to the right to get just out of flailing distance, it was like she was following me. haha.

Awesome vid, brings back great memories of one of my highlights of the weekend (aside from the hair-whippage). Hope I get another chance to see them and can't wait for the new album.
She just told me she's sorry for headbanging during a metal concert :muahaha:

Although to her defense, even a PPUSA crew member came to her during the Leprous concert just to say how great the headbanging looked like and various people commented to her after the show that it looked really cool from the seats too.
Thanks for posting this. Them along with Tarot are the two bands I really hate that I had to miss this year. Now, I feel even worse so thanks. J/k.
Great clip and funny too with Britt's comment. I was standing a few people to the right of this camera and remember hearing that comment.

Britt - Rumor has it I'll be seeing the shadowy guy and you at Nevermore tomorrow? FYI, I tried to get LaRussa to show up. Hopefully he's available! :grin:
She just told me she's sorry for headbanging during a metal concert :muahaha:

Although to her defense, even a PPUSA crew member came to her during the Leprous concert just to say how great the headbanging looked like and various people commented to her after the show that it looked really cool from the seats too.

Haha no apologies necessary. I heard that comment too and it did look cool! I certainly didn't want to spoil her fun, and by no means was she spoiling mine. I thought that might have been you two. Sorry for not even saying Hi. I am severely anti-social, which I really need to work on. Maybe by PPXV or so I'll be better. :lol:
The Leprous guys have been doing blog reports (including video) from all the concerts on the Therion tour, the tour began a little more than a week ago so the first few are up already at http://leprousband.blogspot.com/

Some pretty funny stuff in there (some very amusing videos! hehe) and it's great that all the band members take part in the blogging in turns. Loch Vostok members make guest appearances on the videos too (Teddy imitating Evergrey guys etc :) ).