Let me know what you think of this...


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
Every now and then I contribute a film review or two to the Internet Movie Database. I've been doing this for three or four years, and in all that time I have never received any feedback on what I've written. That doesn't surprise or concern me; it's a huge site and I'm sure most people use the message boards to comment on others' comments. But today I got a notification that I had received a private message, so I checked it out. It seems that someone was offended by my suggestion that New Zealand is a place 'still not known for its film-making', and proceeded to be very rude. Apparently this person thought I was insulting NZ somehow by saying this, which I was not. New Zealand has been responsible for some of the best film of the past decade. My argument was simply that it's still not a place people automatically think of when discussing film-making. Check out what I wrote and let me know what impression you got from it:


The review is fine, I think!

And you're right, you normally think of the US when you think of locations for films... Even Sydney, which is fast becoming a HUGE place to make movies now isn't necessarily the first place you'd think of when you saw, say, Star Wars, etc.

Whoever bagged you is a tool, I think!
I don't see a problem with it. If it had been written today then perhaps your reader might have had a problem with it, considering what LOTR did for the industry over there, but then this is a country that couldn't hold its annual film awards because they didn't have enough eligible films for 2001! Can't remember where I read that, but Peter Jackson understandably wouldn't let LOTR be eligible because it would have massacred the opposition.

New Zealand has had a few classics over the last few years, but anyone outside of the country would struggle to name many apart from the Jackson flicks, Once Were Warriors and What Becomes of the Broken Hearted?.

I have a few film reviews on the IMDB from back when I was a film reviewer, but they're too awful to post a link here :)
Originally posted by Spiff
but then this is a country that couldn't hold its annual film awards because they didn't have enough eligible films for 2001! Can't remember where I read that, but Peter Jackson understandably wouldn't let LOTR be eligible because it would have massacred the opposition.

I'm going to send this quote in my reply to aforementioned imbicle.

Thanks, Spiff! That made me laugh.