let's clarify every doubt about bonus songs...


the psychedelic servant
Jan 20, 2002
ok, opeth were into candlelight, then moved to peaceville for still life, and then to music for nations for blackwater park and the next 2 masterpieces [no doubt about this!!!!]

the story is this:

candlelight has published the first 3 cd's: orchid, morningrise and mayh

then peaceville released still life.

while opeth signed at mfn, peaceville was re-printing some cd's of its bands, like anathema's serenades, silent enigma, eternity or my dying bride's turn loose the swans and something by at the gates, darkthorne & co.
into these re-releases there was also still life: these cd's contained NO BONUS TRACKS, just had around a paper slipcase with the same cover [and so these AREN'T DIGIPACKS]

then, after the release of blackwater park, candlelight, the first opeth label, re-printed orchid, morningrise and mayh, also on VINYL EDITIONS. every reprint has got bonustrack(s):

on orchid you find INTO THE FROST OF WINTER
on morningrise you find ETERNAL SOUL TORTURE
on mayh you find the two covers from iron maiden [REMEMBER TOMORROW] and celtic frost [CYRCLE OF TYRANTS]

in these editions appears the opeth logo on the cover, and the booklet of the cd's is different from the original. on a page from orchid and morningrise, mikael wrotes some lines talking about the bonus tracks: into the frost... and eternal... are songs from the pre-orchid era, and that's why they sound bad. anyway, they're pieces of history, if we consider that some riffs were used for ADVENT [and i think the reason because opeth ALWAYS play live this song is that it's a milestone which contains many many memories from the past]

so, i don't know if it's worth to buy the cd's re-releases [i think also that the logos on the cover figure out very bad!!!!], but i think that an opeth fan shoul possess those old songs!

now, you know everything about these opeth releases. and go to audiogalaxy and search for these 4 songs, if you still haven't done it!
Originally posted by opethpainter

then, after the release of blackwater park, candlelight, the first opeth label, re-printed orchid, morningrise and mayh, also on VINYL EDITIONS. every reprint has got bonustrack(s):

on orchid you find INTO THE FROST OF WINTER
on morningrise you find ETERNAL SOUL TORTURE
on mayh you find the two covers from iron maiden [REMEMBER TOMORROW] and celtic frost [CYRCLE OF TYRANTS]

in these editions appears the opeth logo on the cover, and the booklet of the cd's is different from the original. on a page from orchid and morningrise, mikael wrotes some lines talking about the bonus tracks: into the frost... and eternal... are songs from the pre-orchid era, and that's why they sound bad. anyway, they're pieces of history, if we consider that some riffs were used for ADVENT [and i think the reason because opeth ALWAYS play live this song is that it's a milestone which contains many many memories from the past]

I got the vinyl reissues and they are a bit of a ripoff simply because, with the exception of the bonus tracks added, there wasn't anything worth paying for. There are NO inserts, NO liner notes, they are double LP's and not even gatefold, the vinyl is lightweight....
If I had known all of that, I would have just gotten the CD versions.....
Also, my versions were put out by Displeased Records not Candlelight....
there are two versions of the vinyl?
Originally posted by Triste

I got the vinyl reissues and they are a bit of a ripoff simply because, with the exception of the bonus tracks added, there wasn't anything worth paying for. There are NO inserts, NO liner notes, they are double LP's and not even gatefold, the vinyl is lightweight....
If I had known all of that, I would have just gotten the CD versions.....
Also, my versions were put out by Displeased Records not Candlelight....
there are two versions of the vinyl?

These were a cynical attempt to make more cash. Nothing more, nothing less. The covers were scanned from the CDs (look at the poor quality of the artwork) and the cheapest possible sleeves / vinyl was used. This is a perfect example of businessmen rather than music fans being in charge of labels...

Opeth were just as pissed off about it as the fans were, but unfortunately Candlelight / Displeased couldn't give a shit, just so long as they sell. Disgusting.

Lee B
hey, lee b, are you the legendary lee barrett, the man to whom opeth dedicated mayh????

well, anyway, displeased records is a sub-label of candlelight, and yes, the reissus on vinyl are made very bad... no inlay artwork or anything else.

mfn did a great job with the vinyl edition of blackwater park

and at last, yes, people buy albums, if they have some respect for musicians. of course money counts, but for my favourite band i often buy albums.
Originally posted by opethpainter
hey, lee b, are you the legendary lee barrett, the man to whom opeth dedicated mayh????

yes, I'm a legend in my own lunchtime.. :)

well, anyway, displeased records is a sub-label of candlelight

No, Displeased are a seperate company from Holland and they just licenced the vinyl rights from Candlelight. If Displeased were having to pay so much that they had to cut costs with the finished product then they shouldn't have bothered at all.
Originally posted by Sullen Jester
Please explain to me what "gatefold" is in terms of vinyl prints.

It's a gatefold sleeve. You're bound to have seen one. Instead of two albums (for a double album) going in a single sleeve, a gatefold has a sleeve for each record, joined in the middle so it folds out. This way you get leads more space for artwork, etc.

The early Opeth re-issues were unfortunately done on the cheap so they stuffed two albums into a single album sleeve.

I see Candlelight have also re-pressed the early Emperor vinyls that were supposed to be strictly limited and deleted...Some people only ever see $$$ signs in front of their eyes...