let's discuss TIME SIGNATURES!

Someone mentioned the "stuttering" effect of a odd time sig..
Here's a good example-
"them bones" by Alice in chains...most of the song is in 13/8 if I recall right.

Most of "Outshined" by SoundGarden is in 5/4-

The Trees by Rush-Lots of time changes in this tune...some 3/4, 6/8, and...the guitar solo is in 5/4....easy to lose the beat.

And if you are really in the mood to hear some whacked out stuff, listen to old King Crimson. Odd times that are syncopated to high hell!
yeah, King Crimson are great... I figured they probably had different time signatures in their music.

Can you give examples of certain songs, or parts in the songs, that have different time sigs...?

thanks and cheers
One of the very early replies mentioned some number over 7 (maybe9/7?) This is IMPOSSIBLE!! the number on the bottom must be 2, 4, 8 or 16, in the most extreme rare goofy case it would be 32. This bottom number lables the type of note we count as the BEAT UNIT. 2=half note, 4=quarter note, 8=eighth note, etc. The beat unit is the type of note that we count as numbers, usually the most obvious pulse of the music. The top number is simply HOW HIGH to COUNT...Example: a measure of 5/4 time has 5 quarter notes in it or SOMETHING that mathematically equals 5 quarters. (4 Q's + 2 8ths) or (3 Q's and 4 8ths) . ..If you're still confused..Take Drum Lessons!!