Let's face it: Dan Swano is a more veratile musican than Mikael

Dan Swano: He is GOD! Everything he has touched is GOLD GOLD GOLD. He is really versatile...he knows how to play a bazillion instruments. I'd say he is proficient at all of them but master of none. He is an excellent song writer, an amazing growler, a pretty good (but not amazing) clean singer. Simply put, he is a GOD of the metal world.

Mikael Akerfeldt: He is GOD! Everything he has touched is GOLD GOLD GOLD. He is pretty versatile what with his clean singing, growling and guitaring. In terms of being 'versatile' in terms of how many instruments he can play he is undoubtabley dwarfed by Swano. He is an awesome song writer, an amazing growler, and an amazing clean singer. Simply put, he is a GOD of the metal world.

I love them both...together they are personally my two most respected musicians, in my eyes they are both the best metallers ever.
Originally posted by godmachine12
Sorry, but his singing is kinda shitty. I like Moontower pretty good, what he did on 'Death's Design', and the Odyssey songs I've heard are good as well, but as far as him being hailed as some great producer or musician, I don't buy into it. True, he does do a lot of different stuff, but it's definently not all high quality. Take a listen to the Katatonia cd he worked on. The drumming, not too good. Bloodbath, not so good either, but the sheer rawness and brutality make up for that. And as far as the comparison to Mike, the songwriting factor isn't even comparable. Opeth all the way!

(pull your head out of your ass)
Originally posted by manuelgv

the drumming on Katatonia's cd is very good(not as good as the last but still good)

Yes, the drumming on "Last Fair Deal..." is better, but still not that good. And the drumming on "Tonight's Decision" SUCKS! And guess who plays drums on that one? I like the album ok, but that doesn't change the fact the drums on it are awful.
Why is it that me and Mike always ends up in these "who's the best??" what is it about us that makes us so cool to compare??
I don't mind being slagged off by anyone, I have been hated enough through-out the years in Edge Of Sanity. I just don't see why we should be compared after all?? I am a multi-instrumentalist that try as good as possible with each instrument availble in a traditional line-up, Mike is an ace guitarist and singer. He writes complex music and I write simple hooky songs...

And just one thing..please judge my drumming on that Katatonia CD after this fact...I nailed all the tracks in 1 day and I had never heard the tracks before. I had a pair of broken headphones with a cowbell from hell for a clicktrack and the guys shouting thru the talkback microphone how to play..there is absolutely no editing on the drums. You couldn't punch in or out with that machine in Sunlight..
It still doesn't make me a better drummer than the guy they have now (He's fucking top notch stuff!!!) atleast this guy gets to rehearse and stuff...

Ps. Damnation is the best thing since "Orchid" Ds.

Dan Swanö
Originally posted by Dan Swanö
Ps. Damnation is the best thing since "Orchid" Ds.

Dan Swanö

When I first even heard there will be two different albums I suspected the soft one would be the goodie.

But better than MORNINGRISE?

*takes out his watch and swings it in front of Dan's face*

"Dan... you are getting... sleepy... very... sleepy...

... you will take that CD... put it in an envelope...

... you will think... "Jim is swell... deserves... Christmas card..."

... but instead of a Christmas card... you will put the CD in the envelope...

... and take it to the post office... and apply proper postage...

... and then when you return home... you will not remember it was a CD... you will think it was a Christmas card that was sent....

... and now when I snap my fingers, you will remember nothing... but... Christmas card for Jim...

Originally posted by Dan Swanö
Why is it that me and Mike always ends up in these "who's the best??" what is it about us that makes us so cool to compare??
I don't mind being slagged off by anyone, I have been hated enough through-out the years in Edge Of Sanity. I just don't see why we should be compared after all?? I am a multi-instrumentalist that try as good as possible with each instrument availble in a traditional line-up, Mike is an ace guitarist and singer. He writes complex music and I write simple hooky songs...

And just one thing..please judge my drumming on that Katatonia CD after this fact...I nailed all the tracks in 1 day and I had never heard the tracks before. I had a pair of broken headphones with a cowbell from hell for a clicktrack and the guys shouting thru the talkback microphone how to play..there is absolutely no editing on the drums. You couldn't punch in or out with that machine in Sunlight..
It still doesn't make me a better drummer than the guy they have now (He's fucking top notch stuff!!!) atleast this guy gets to rehearse and stuff...

Ps. Damnation is the best thing since "Orchid" Ds.

Dan Swanö

dan i am not worthy!!!!!!

:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
I agree with Merkazakalbubu, or whatever his name is (sorry dude) on this. Is there something about the overall shape of the word VERSATILE that means people can't see it/read it? It's a pretty simple word, with a pretty simple meaning, and in the context of a pretty god-damn simple point. It's astonishing how many of you, as others said before, are getting your fanboy pantihose in a twist for no reason.

Dan Swano. He posts here? Cool. I'll have to look into his stuff. Devin Townsend too. I've heard a lot of good stuff about his projects.
hmmm.... best thing since Orchid.... that's strong words :p

and come on Dan.... you don't only write simple songs with catchy hooks... at least i don't think so hehe Pan-Thy-Monium and even Crimson were not that simple... hehe stop being so modest
yourdeadgroom said:
I rate Dan's music waaaaay ahead of Mikael's (and I love Opeth, so that shows how much I love Dan's stuff :D ). Everything, from Nightingale to Infestdead, just rules :headbang:

I agree. Dan Swano is probably my most respected musician. (but not favourite mind you)
I'm with Swano by FAR on this one, and I can't even begin to describe my reasons.

Plus, the drums on Tonight's Decision don't compare to the last 2 Katatonia albums, but they're far from fucking horrible, come on...
Static said:
Dan Swano: He is GOD! Everything he has touched is GOLD GOLD GOLD. He is really versatile...he knows how to play a bazillion instruments. I'd say he is proficient at all of them but master of none. He is an excellent song writer, an amazing growler, a pretty good (but not amazing) clean singer. Simply put, he is a GOD of the metal world.

Mikael Akerfeldt: He is GOD! Everything he has touched is GOLD GOLD GOLD. He is pretty versatile what with his clean singing, growling and guitaring. In terms of being 'versatile' in terms of how many instruments he can play he is undoubtabley dwarfed by Swano. He is an awesome song writer, an amazing growler, and an amazing clean singer. Simply put, he is a GOD of the metal world.

I love them both...together they are personally my two most respected musicians, in my eyes they are both the best metallers ever.

Dan Swano certainly is amazing... the shear quantity and quality of his music is overwhelming.