let's see if u solve it..


Dark Tranquillity Italia
Jan 3, 2005
Mestre (Venice)
this is a little riddle inspired by the notpron game... let's see if you solve it :) plz, don't post any answers on the forum in order not to spoil the game for who hasn't already tried it. currently there are only 1-2 levels.. but if you like it and u spread the word so other players get to know it, then i'll add more and more levels :)

got the icap at first try, but i'm lagging behind on the icap2. :D and: WELCOME BACK HILJAINEN!
almost to part 3! :D

careful because the page named "icap2" isn't the original which is "icap(blablabla)secondaparte"

and thank you! marvels of christmas holidays :p

(NT3N will probably have a desire to kill me now for invading his thread)
what are you talking about? after finishing level 1 i only see "blabla game paused". or are you talking about another riddle?

blabla, ok i got it. it's the other link with icap blabla :>
nah, it wasn't as easy as the first one. it bugged the shit out of me, cause the hints were a tad confusing ;)