Ultimate Metal-Band Game!


Dark Tranquillity Italia
Jan 3, 2005
Mestre (Venice)
hi all there.

first of all cheers to COB which is among the bands I like most :)

i wanted to tell u of this new game which is online at

it's a sort of clash among metal-bands and you can vote pro or against 100 very famous bands. if u wanna vote for COB or also other bands, please do so and try, if u have the chance, to spread the gospel alla around the net. the more we join, the funnier the game gets!

/n. - www.darkillity.net - Dark Tranquillity Italia
why should u get COB voted out ' ?( actually the winner is the band that lasts the most, not the first one to be taken off the list :( anyway the game is long for sure, but I think that if many people play it every day it's easy to end it
@Turbo: If I was to refer to you in the way I should you'd be crying at your mom's feet in a few seconds :p pwned anyway: wanna play?`then play? don't wanna play? then just fuck off :)