proposal: ultimate metal band game 2007


Dec 8, 2005
Well, because there are a few new board members and because we all change a bit with each passing year and so does our musical tastes, I thought it would be fun and interesting to come up with yet another ultimate metal band game. You know how it works, we'd all be voting daily with positive and negative points among a list of around 15 bands, eliminating them until only one remains.

So, if guys are up for it, this is the thread to suggest the bands that will be participating. Winner last year was the horrendous gaylords In Flames, by an astounding number of votes. Lets put into consideration wether they should be on this game as well. By the way, Dark Tranquillity will not be included here for obvious reasons. Remember, this game is metal-only, so no non-metal bands will be included in the final list. However, bands that fall in the so-called "post-metal" cathegory can be accepted (that is, bands that started out like metal and evolved into something different, but still keep a metal fanbase, such as Ulver, Arcturus, Anathema, Katatonia, Empyrium etc.)

These are my suggestions for this one:

Swallow the Sun
December Wolves
The Berserker
^^ I propose you go away -

I propose people stop shitting on threads they don't like with useless one-liners. A general rule of thumb should be that if you disapprove / don't like something, but have nothing much to add to this feeling, you spend your time comfortable posting on other threads about topics you like more, or maybe check another site altogether, another forum, another Internet.

Oh, wait: I'm not "proposing" this.

Edit: Include Paradise Lost. So I can watch them sink to the bottom like a lead balloon with the sole regret of having been the only person to vote for them. Also, don't make it a survivor because it takes too long and people are going to be away in July and August, cavorting in the sun and swimming merrily in the seas, miles away from the urgency of metal fandom.
You could add Thyrfing and Borknagar
And here are 2 special ones for Taliesin :) : Vital Remains and Decapitated! (the guitar solos rock)
Should it just be a poll or a series of polls then?

I think I misread your original post. If your intentions were to not make a poll but use the +/- points method, feel free to organize this as you prefer in one nice thread (separate from this one, I guess). My suggestion remains not to make this drag on for too long, though.
Once again, some shit bands should go in so the ball can get rolling with the negative points.

Linkin Park

Can you add disillusion too? I love them. I too will watch them sink as rahvin will watch paradise lost sink.

I wanna say, people should not negatively vote for a band they have not formed an opinion of. Don't vote off a band cos you haven't heard them, because it's unfair.
is the list going on? can we add some more?
i suggest:
children of bodom
ok :)
thats what happens when you are out of date here in the forum haha