Lets see yer Halloween costumes!

here it is

I just barely noticed it was halloween... show's how much I care these days. :lol:

Time to take all the good candy from the bowl and leave the children with shit like scor bars.
I did two costumes, one for work, the other for the bar after work (Which I brought to work and put up on the bar as an accessory. It's still sittin' there as I take my break). I have pics, I'll post 'em after I get home from the bar.
I dressed up as a tall, overweight, balding man who hates doing anything special for the kids he works with because they don't appreciate it and act like fucking fools the moment the special thing is done with.

I mean, I dressed as a frost giant. Yeah.
I went as a metalhead. Wearing this Metallica shirt with the toilet and knife and it says "Metal Up Your Ass" on the bottom". my best costume yet