Lets see yer Halloween costumes!

Oh god, I have no idea! That's one of the hardest things about selling art..pricing

I was selling my anthro stuff for 80-100, and my teacher about killed me, lol.

Large masks like this one take about 12 hours to make. It really depends on the design/size. :)
What do you have in mind?
*all excited*

Lesa, post pictures of those little statues/thingies with the human head/animal body, please :)
That would be cool! I'm unable to really make jewelry right now, just because I don't own a torch. I've been slowly accumulating all the other tools, though...and my mom has a nice bench in her back yard ;)


What type of collab were you thinking about?

Well my next step is to make a website, so you could sell some of your stuff on there. Or if you make your own site we could just promote each other, model the clothes and jewelry together, that kind of stuff.

And regardless of business we need to hang out! It's been ages.