Lets see yer Halloween costumes!

drunk, as H.I. McDonough (Raising Arizona)

better pictures to come.


:lol: genius

Did you put pantyhose on your head at some point? :loco:
Oh god, I have no idea! That's one of the hardest things about selling art..pricing

I was selling my anthro stuff for 80-100, and my teacher about killed me, lol.

Large masks like this one take about 12 hours to make. It really depends on the design/size. :)
What do you have in mind?
*all excited*
That would be cool! I'm unable to really make jewelry right now, just because I don't own a torch. I've been slowly accumulating all the other tools, though...and my mom has a nice bench in her back yard ;)


What type of collab were you thinking about?