Let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown!

I wish I had never seen Ghostbusters, so I could watch it for the first time again you idiots. :lol:
The first one rules... the second ain't so great. They're making a third one, they've all signed up for it, supposedly they're going to be training up a bunch of new recruits so they can retire at the end... sounds like a way of extending a franchise to me, sadly.
i love the second one!! janosz is such a brilliant character.

the only thing that lets that film down is the end, where vigo does fuck all and they shoot a painting. other than that its enjoyable.

"JUDISHUM RESTRANGEMENT ORDER!! That blue thing i got from her"
Nah, it's not a patch on the first one... although whenever I see it I wish they'd given Winston more lines... it's a bit like he's an afterthought merely there as a concession to racial equality. It's a shame because Ernie Hudson is cool...
The first one rules... the second ain't so great. They're making a third one, they've all signed up for it, supposedly they're going to be training up a bunch of new recruits so they can retire at the end... sounds like a way of extending a franchise to me, sadly.

Actually, I heard the third one was written by Dan Akroyd right after the second one, but Sony, or whoever the crap it is that owns the rights (I assume it's Sony cos they fuck everything that's good), wouldn't let him use the franchise, so it's not come about till now. I also heard it's gonna be animated, but with them doing the voices still.

Oh and apologies if I got any details wrong, that's the jist of what I heard.
Ghostbusters 2 rules, I cant compare one to the other. Theyre both great in their ways. As for Ghostbusters 3, it has been rumored since the second one came out. Sony didnt want to do it, especially since Bill Murray didnt even want to read the script.
Now that they have made the videogame, which is completely written by Aykroyd and Ramis, and it has become popular. Sony has decided to really do it this time. But yeah the script has been around for a while with various versions of itself.

And Janosh is just classic! "A child?" :lol: