Lets Stop All The H8red

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I am a little sick of all the fighting on this board (yes, I know I'm in the middle of every fucking fight in here!) But other than "STARTIN" UP A POSSE" , a hell of a lot of ANTHRAX tunes were about tolerance....so in the spirit of what the guys preached back in the day - I call off all beefs as of right now. FUCK IT! Lets have fun on this motherfucker and do what we came here to do - spread the word about ANTHRAX! now BACK TO "Startin' up a Posse"...sing it w/ me ...... SHIT, FUCK, SATAN, DEATH, SEX, DRUGS, RAPE! THESE SEVEN WORDS YOU'RE TRYIN' TO TAKE!
Now I'm gonna tell you a story

A tale of wrong and right

and freedom is the reason

you can't take it without a fight
If they got off their ass and made an official decision, announcement, or whatever, about the future of the band for once I think it would help. What the fuck else are the fans supposed to do,other than sit around and speculate, when they can't get anything official from the band?
The Interweb's changed everything.

In the past all we had was either the grapevine or mags like Metal Hammer or Kkerrang (or however you spell it). And given I live in Oz the grapevine was like 15 years late.

Just found out Bruce Dickenson has left Maiden... Wolfsbane Bailey to replace him. Wow :)
If they got off their ass and made an official decision, announcement, or whatever, about the future of the band for once I think it would help. What the fuck else are the fans supposed to do,other than sit around and speculate, when they can't get anything official from the band?

The point of this thread being bumped is that people were arguing here long before the reunion. The original post is from 2002.
In the past all we had was either the grapevine or mags like Metal Hammer or Kkerrang (or however you spell it). And given I live in Oz the grapevine was like 15 years late.

Don't forget HOT METAL mag dude!!!

The way I remember it was that they reviewed Persistence when SOWN was coming out!!! :lol:
I remember when I requested "Startin´up a posse" on Swedish national radio and asked them "if they were fucking scared of cursing or something" and the host replied "No we are fucking not for fucks sake" and then they played the sweet tune. Proud moment in my conspiracy to Thraxify the nation.

Oh yeah, stop the hatred, kill whitey.
Aaaaah, 2002. Back when I still gave a fuck about Anthrax.

Bring back Bush already.
I wish I had been here then, when I gave a fuck.

I remember when I requested "Startin´up a posse" on Swedish national radio and asked them "if they were fucking scared of cursing or something" and the host replied "No we are fucking not for fucks sake"
Dude, that's fuckin' hilarious.
This post at least get everyone talking...... even though it was posted in 2002???? DURRRRRRRR
Hello all!!!!!!

John or Joey or Julio??
