wizard in black
you know i <3 u 4 ever and this post isnt directed solely at you, its not really an 'innocent' comment when it was prefaced by a post simply stating "LAME," with follow up posts expanding on why you think its lame. i know saying "you are x race therefore you MUST understand..." doesnt always make the point and often comes across bigoted, but as a jew who served in the Israeli army, you should know of the importance and place of firearms. one of the first things Hitler (and pretty much all other dictators) did was begin to take the guns from the jews and dissenters, "oh you dont need those anymore, I'll protect you" by manipulating Germany's recent strict guns laws, making it so only the nazis could have guns. eventually making it a law that jews couldnt own/sell/be involved with guns what-so-ever. the population handed over their weapons and were powerless to stop Hitler a few years later when he started that whole silly "World Domination Kill the Non-Aryans" thing. Hitler rose to power and seized the country fully within the law! whats to stop a bloated government, drunk with power from doing whatever they want if the population has no protection?^ you know, I actually never meant to say this comment as a "bad" thing or not even to "generalize" Americans as "americans omg"
is was really an innocent remark because it is really amazing to me how people in this country
are into guns, versus other places... 's all![]()
also, the old redneck mantra "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns" seems reactionary and melodramatic but its fucking true. when El Stormo says things like "Silly americans, just want to be Dirty Harry, why not let the cops protect you?" its a hilariously sick joke. who's gonna protect us from the Cops, and for that matter where are the cops at 3 am when the crackhead is breaking into my house? oh, they cant be everywhere at once? oh, we have to be personally responsible for ourselves and our property like the principals this fucking country was founded on (but forgotten...thats a different story)?!
in a fucked up way we need those crazy motherfuckers in Michigan and Montana, at least someone is exercising our rights so they cant quietly take them completely away. i dont know why this country is so trigger-happy, but as long as the bad guys have guns (and they always will) the good guys gotta have em too. its the 2nd amendment because its really goddamn important. there have always been weapons, there have always been wars, there have always been killing. guns dont kill people, people kill people. cliche as hell and 100% true.
i know this wasnt supposed to be a gun discussion, but the haters started it, and i havent written a serious post in awhile

i want some Hoegaarden