I didn't know if I had to post this in the FOH section or right here as it concerns both worlds. Anyway...
Well, drum tuning is, from my point of view, a real challenge as the drums are very central especially in metal and rock music and each kit, each drumhead is different and it has to fit the music, the drummers wishes (yes it counts for me) and to fit what we - as producer/engineer (not really that I consider myself as one but you get the point
- want and need for the project.
Being a guitarist myself, I've never been really into drum tuning until I came to record drummers, say 2 years ago. So I searched here and there for advices, tips and general rules. Then I found out these little tutos: that are pretty instructive imo but you know, everything is easier when you see it in vids than in real situation
Practice is the key word I guess but unfortunately the only moments I can practice is when I'm about to record. Finally I had not too bad results and sometimes pretty good results so far but if I wanna be totally honest with you, I couldn't say I was 100% sure of what I was doing. Feeling is good but I want to learn for real!
I think it could be cool to share our different techniques and tips, gear stuff like drumheads but also tunebot-like things, etc. in brief what usually works best for you. Maybe sharing some videos, tutos... could be also great.
Personally, I try to follow the technique Bob shows for the snare. Although I find sometimes VERY difficult to really hear the note. I usually tune the toms "at fourth" or "perfect firth" (?? sorry don't know the english words for that. Say, tom1 is A high, tom2 is E, tom3 is A low), same pitch on the batter and the bottom. I have a preference for Evans drumheads, clear G2 for tom batters. I just tried G2 coated and didn't like them at all at least with this particular drummer... It sounded too "round" if that makes sense.
Well, I hope such a thread has not already been opened and sorry for my shitty english ahah!
Edit - just found out this great vid from Glenn Fricker (cannot find the other ones tho):
Well, drum tuning is, from my point of view, a real challenge as the drums are very central especially in metal and rock music and each kit, each drumhead is different and it has to fit the music, the drummers wishes (yes it counts for me) and to fit what we - as producer/engineer (not really that I consider myself as one but you get the point

Being a guitarist myself, I've never been really into drum tuning until I came to record drummers, say 2 years ago. So I searched here and there for advices, tips and general rules. Then I found out these little tutos: that are pretty instructive imo but you know, everything is easier when you see it in vids than in real situation

I think it could be cool to share our different techniques and tips, gear stuff like drumheads but also tunebot-like things, etc. in brief what usually works best for you. Maybe sharing some videos, tutos... could be also great.
Personally, I try to follow the technique Bob shows for the snare. Although I find sometimes VERY difficult to really hear the note. I usually tune the toms "at fourth" or "perfect firth" (?? sorry don't know the english words for that. Say, tom1 is A high, tom2 is E, tom3 is A low), same pitch on the batter and the bottom. I have a preference for Evans drumheads, clear G2 for tom batters. I just tried G2 coated and didn't like them at all at least with this particular drummer... It sounded too "round" if that makes sense.
Well, I hope such a thread has not already been opened and sorry for my shitty english ahah!
Edit - just found out this great vid from Glenn Fricker (cannot find the other ones tho):
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