Lexicon PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle ???

I've tried it allot. And it is great. You get allot of different algorythms, plates, halls etc. And from the people who have tried the hardware says it sounds the same :)

Although i can recommend you guys the redline reverb, sound as good as lexicon and is cheap
I'd love to get some blind test going, and just see which people PREFER. Not which they think is the Lexicon, coz that's not my point. But I've tried some Lexicon stuff (admittedly the cheaper stuff) and I preferred Space Designer all the way.
Does it sound better than the Bricasti impulses?

Probably yes, but not ridiculously so, though I think the advantage is in the tweakability (but considering how many Bricasti impulses there are, between them and SIR's "stretch" function I think I'll be set for awhile!)
Probably yes, but not ridiculously so, though I think the advantage is in the tweakability (but considering how many Bricasti impulses there are, between them and SIR's "stretch" function I think I'll be set for awhile!)

The biggest thing is that impulses still can't do modulations right, so any algorithm based reverb won't be sampled properly and won't sound the same (as good).
Its a fantastic reverb plugin, but the price is outrageous :D IK Multimedia's CSR is pretty awesome as well though :D and costs a lot less haha
Nothing out there I've used matches 'Random Hall'. The way it bounces your signal around with randomized modulation is fantastic. Aether got close, but its controls are so goddamn convoluted I couldn't wait to give it the arse. I still regret wasting my money on that one.

The short rooms also have some great early reflections that add a sense of immediate space. The plates I've yet to really play with in-depth.