Huge Native Plug-in Reverb Shootout!


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

I had some spare time on my hands today, so I decided to shoot-out a bunch of the most popular reverb plug-ins, both IR and algorithmic.

I will keep adding to this shoot-out as I try them out on different sources, in different types of mixes etc.

As dialing and comparing reverb units is by no means a scientific procedure, I hope that by covering enough ground with them, you guys will be able to choose those which consistently perform to your liking.

I suggest using the 'download' link on each file rather than streaming them directly from the web.

Shootout #1 - Dense Metal Mix Snare


ArtsAcoustic - 'Strong' Algorithm

Breverb - 'Plate' Algorithm

Classik Studio Reverb - 'Plate' Algorithm



Altiverb 6 - Halls of Fame 'Bright Hall'

SiR 2 - Halls of Fame 'Bright Hall'

Notes about the mix

All files are 24-bit, 44kHz with no dithering. The source files were tracked at 48kHz, and downsampled to 44kHz for mixdown. Each file is roughly 16.3Mb in size.

The track was provided by Ronnie_Rocker a while back as part of a mix competition. What you are hearing is my own mix from a year or so back, with the reverb plug-ins interchanged on the snare track.

The snare track is triggered by a Slate snare sample, and is also being sent to one of his Z4 ambience samples along with being sent to the reverb (the Z4 adds density and air to the dry sample sound).

There is no 'standard' procedure to test all plug-ins evenly, so I purely used my own ear to pull as quick and good a sound as possible with each plug-in. Think of this as a test that accounts for one's ability to pull a working sound quickly whilst navigating some largely unfamiliar interfaces (the only reverbs I was familiar with beforehand are the Freeverb 2 & ArtsAcoustic).

The Impulse Response reverb plug-ins I tested both used the same 'Bright Hall' IR from the 'Halls of Fame' pack. I, however, processed them differently within each program, as each had its own set of parameters and options for tailoring the sound.

The 'original' reverb I used on the track was the 'Freeverb 2', as it was my go-to drum verb for a while.


Due to my inability to navigate its clunky interface, WizooVerb2 was not included in this shoot-out. I had hoped to unify the high-quality Hall of Fame impulses with WizooVerb's algorithmic tails, and see how this unique blend compared to both technologies used individually.

Due to not having a TC PowerCore, or Digidesign TDM system, I was not able to test any reverb plug-ins that run on these two platforms. The test is purely native and all of these plug-ins are VST compatible.