Mornin' all,
I've just had a crazy problem with Sony's Reverb plug-in, and I'm wondering if any of you can shed some light on it.
I was using it with no problem on an acoustic track. I had Wave X-Noise running on it too, but I don't really like the sound that gives so I thought I'd try the Sony Noise Reduction plug-in instead. I clicked on the 'Learn Noise Profile' button (or whatever it's called), and suddenly I started getting some insane bursts of digital noise - all at 0db and all the same space apart, but nothing to do with the track because they start relative to where I play the track from. I assumed it was the Noise Reduction plug, but after mucking about with it, it seems it was actually the Reverb.
As soon as I turn that plug-in off it's fine, but even if I remove the reverb and add a new instance I get the same problem (on that project, I haven't tried it on another yet). Anyone got any ideas?
And on a slightly related note, anyone got any suggestions for noise reduction plug-ins?
I've just had a crazy problem with Sony's Reverb plug-in, and I'm wondering if any of you can shed some light on it.
I was using it with no problem on an acoustic track. I had Wave X-Noise running on it too, but I don't really like the sound that gives so I thought I'd try the Sony Noise Reduction plug-in instead. I clicked on the 'Learn Noise Profile' button (or whatever it's called), and suddenly I started getting some insane bursts of digital noise - all at 0db and all the same space apart, but nothing to do with the track because they start relative to where I play the track from. I assumed it was the Noise Reduction plug, but after mucking about with it, it seems it was actually the Reverb.
As soon as I turn that plug-in off it's fine, but even if I remove the reverb and add a new instance I get the same problem (on that project, I haven't tried it on another yet). Anyone got any ideas?
And on a slightly related note, anyone got any suggestions for noise reduction plug-ins?
