Lexicon Reverb Outboard unit

Yeah, gotta admit the pic is a bit dark (shot with my macbook, and my studio is in a big cellar/old wine cellar construction). I just checked it more in detail... On the back it says "Lexicon Alex". Never fucking heard of it haha. Tried it out, sounds so nice! Especially the plate reverbs on snare.
They were cheap entry level reverb from the 90's. Never used it but it was generally considered shit units in the same category as the Alesis Midiverb/Quadraverb...
Just try it and see for yourself. Crappy reverbs can be useful sometimes. I'm not kidding.
I used to have an Alex.
Lexicon's attempt to get into the Alesis market in the 90s.
Gave mine to a band to use on live keyboards.
It was noisy and grainy and basically not very good.
Might be useful for some lo-fi verbs but any plugin will sound better.
I used to have an Alex.
Lexicon's attempt to get into the Alesis market in the 90s.
Gave mine to a band to use on live keyboards.
It was noisy and grainy and basically not very good.
Might be useful for some lo-fi verbs but any plugin will sound better.

Noisy, hm..maybe it was that unit you had. Tried mine out yesterday on 2 things: A snare hit with reverb splash, and a reverse snare effect later on. Only went with the reverse snare, because it just sounded better. So yeah, basically it´s cool for stuff like that (FX etc), but like mickrich said, any plugin could do better. True. But it´s fun using outboard.