Life of Agony singer is now a tranny

I believe a
is in order
Fuck yeah.

My tutor during my masters was a bloke who became a woman and then back to a bloke and now lives a kind of genderless existence. Cool dude/chick.
this doesn't make much sense to me; i get having a sex change and i get being homosexual, but this is a middle ground that does what? if he feels like he's a woman why not get a full sex change (i don't know many chicks with dicks) and if he feels like a man who likes men then wouldn't he just be homosexual and maybe do some cross dress or drag? being a man with a dick that dresses/looks like a woman doesn't make sense to me; not hating or anything, whatever floats peoples boat but i don't really understand the middle ground and why anyone would go here/what exactly his transition is?
Well, it's odd if you take "gender" to mean that you much be either X or Y. Traditional gender roles make as little sense as everything else "traditional" does in our age.
not that shocking i suppose, in retrospect:

obvious daddy issues. girls with shitty fathers turn into strippers, pornstars, and/or date black guys, and boys become criminals or trannies, FACT!

-psychologist neal
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