Lifeless - heads up old school Entombed fans!

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
These German dudes have that buzzy Sunlight guitar sound aced! Their songs are catchy and groovy as hell. Just play Death to the Bone and you'll see what I mean. The track Moribund goes into more of a Bolt Thrower sound with it's rolling battering rams stomp but still with a little Entombed melody thrown in for good measure and also even a touch of Death circa Leprosy and no further. This is how old school should sound. I used to lap this shit up all day and night in the early to mid 90s. This album brings all those memories flooding back and then some. Lifeless rules!!/lifelessdeathmetal
Cool, seems like alot of bands are borrowing the Sunlight guitarsound lately. I can't complain. Good shit.
Yeah and they're not necessarily ripping off Entombed and Dismember either. Trap Them and Nails are adding hxc influences and shit. Stoked on those bands.