Lights Out

Strangelight said:
:( I would have Jimmy Reggae Boated him if I was there. Derty get!!
Even though this thread doesn't appear to be about Lights Out anymore, I wanted to share how much I love it. :D


See? Also there's a review on Royal Carnage. [/pimping webzine] :lol:
nice review pal ;)
i've found this one few days ago.

Antimatter is the brainchild of Duncan Patterson and Mick Moss that the label describes as &#8220;experimental dark orchestral ambient electronic dub that can be referenced to a sinister Portishead meets a more haunting Anathema.&#8221; Having never heard Portishead I can&#8217;t verify if that statement is entirely true though. Before listening to &#8220;Lights Out&#8221; my only experience with Antimatter was the acoustic set they played on their recent US mini-tour. When I got the album I expected it to also be solely acoustic instruments.

I was wrong&#8230; while &#8220;Lights Out&#8221; is quite mellow (at least musically) it uses a variety of instruments and sounds ranging from the standard guitars, bass, drums, and keys to odd electronic noises and what seems to be a sample of Steven Hawkings. The music is mellow and haunting while the majority of lyrics are bleak and depressive, an artistic contrast that is very impressive. The vocals of Mick and others are clean and powerful and lend themselves perfectly to the style of music presented. If I had to compare the music on this album to any other bands I&#8217;d say that it&#8217;s like Pink Floyd meets My Dying Bride, it&#8217;s soothing, peaceful, and highly creative but underneath that peaceful façade lies a melancholic masterpiece that&#8217;s dark as a Barrow, Alaska winter.

As this is NOT a metal album many metalheads won&#8217;t be able to get into it, however fans of dark ambient/gothic rock will eat this up. One great thing about this is the absolute lack or pretentiousness, Antimatter does not need to present themselves as being dark and miserable individuals, they simply let the music speak for them and it works VERY well.
Rating 8/10

source? here:

BTW i like those last lines; the lack of pretentiousness etc.
NAD said:
Even though this thread doesn't appear to be about Lights Out anymore, I wanted to share how much I love it. :D
Yeah, me too. Finally got my own copy and oh boy I miss the fall when the record is going to rule even more. Pity I have to spend mine in sunny Africa though. :p