Like Conquering Dystopia? Check this out!


Hey guys! Been working on a new album for the last year, other than a friend who is writing some riffs I've done everything on this, guitar, bass, drum programming, vocals, mix, master, production etc etc.

**Private link won't stream so click the link instead**


Thoughts? Anyone excited to pick up a copy when it comes out?


I turn the nation of my prism mind over and over,
To seek the truth that you left her again,
I find myself at wits ending, Offer me this,
Offer me again I dare you,

Do it,
Say it,
Feel it,
Be it,

In glass freedom,

Do it,
Say it,
Feel it,
Be it,

Captivated til the end again,
Drag me home and drown me deep,
Feel myself escape, please,
Let me kneel again, severance,



The song is about the way we treat mother earth and if everything we've done to it (her) could be embodied / encased as an illness it would be so bad we'd beg for it to end. That kinda shit :D, the song is hard as shit to play so fuuuck hahaha.
Definitely awesome work! The song sounds pretty beastly to me

Mix sounds pretty good already but not quite there yet, had a quick listen on my monitors and and a couple of things stood out to me :
- Bassguitar sounds good but a bit too boomy.
- Vocals sound a bit over processed too me, as if there's too much saturation going on, which is a shame because they sound rad.
- It sounds like the guitar and vocals are fighting each other in the 4k'ish range, so you might want to attenuate the guitars a bit around that are.

Keep up the good work!
Definitely awesome work! The song sounds pretty beastly to me

Mix sounds pretty good already but not quite there yet, had a quick listen on my monitors and and a couple of things stood out to me :
- Bassguitar sounds good but a bit too boomy.
- Vocals sound a bit over processed too me, as if there's too much saturation going on, which is a shame because they sound rad.
- It sounds like the guitar and vocals are fighting each other in the 4k'ish range, so you might want to attenuate the guitars a bit around that are.

Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much for taking the time to check it out man! I knew something wasn't quite there, the bass guitar one I really can't hear myself, perhaps it's me or maybe the room :D

The guitars and vocals I'll check out and have a play! Thank you so much for pointing those out to me!

Have a wonderful day man!

Dude, i love it! Drums could have a bit more, or lets say slightly more impact, but thats personal taste. I like the way the guitars and the bass sound - really unique guitar tone. May i ask what you used? Or are those your pickups? Anyway, great job - oh and i forgot...the song slays! Keep it up man
Dude, i love it! Drums could have a bit more, or lets say slightly more impact, but thats personal taste. I like the way the guitars and the bass sound - really unique guitar tone. May i ask what you used? Or are those your pickups? Anyway, great job - oh and i forgot...the song slays! Keep it up man

Thanks man! I'll look into it, album isn't finished yet. I'm using an Axe FX XL with a 6160 Block.

Warpig pickup (Alnico).

Custom Guitar (Skip the first 2 minutes if you find it too silly):

He makes killer basses too:
Sounds really good. I am listening in the studio and like the mix and the sound. I dislike soundcloud as an auditioning service though. If you have a website you are better off uploading a flac or HQ mp3. I have a cool little javascript player that works nicely if you want a copy of the code. Good song too. A lot different from Karhu.
Hey man, thank you so much! I'm doing it all myself this time around (with another friend playing guitar also). It's a lot of work but, eh, no choice I like it hahahaha :D

Code would be cool!!!

I'll have my own website in a few months, just waiting for "The Grid" to come out.

Surprised you know Karhu! :D

Have a great day fella!


Sounds really good. I am listening in the studio and like the mix and the sound. I dislike soundcloud as an auditioning service though. If you have a website you are better off uploading a flac or HQ mp3. I have a cool little javascript player that works nicely if you want a copy of the code. Good song too. A lot different from Karhu.
Are you kidding? Where I am from Karhu are bigger than Metallica! :lol:

??? That's a joke hahahaha we made no sales at all and went bankrupt, I'm still paying off the debt now man. 1000's left to pay.

Everyone always told us we ruled and downloaded our album, but hardly anyone bought it. So the only money we made was on tour, but the fuel cost was so great even after selling a few thousand in merch we were still down / breaking even tops.

Cool to know you dug it though, cheers man!
Yeah it was a joke. I liked some of the Karhu songs and thought you had a good thing going on. It's a shame. I feel the promise of this new "business model" everyone was going on about with regards to piracy and downloading and how the old way sucked and the labels and musicians where clueless as how to reinvent themselves to bring in money has not lived up to expectations. For all the pro-piracy brigade's preaching about how free distribution would create income and since the "I wouldn't have bought it anyways" lot were not affecting sales I feel it has not been the case.

I was at a conference on streaming at this year's Inferno festival in Norway. The speaker said that in a survey people were asked what they could live without and what they couldn't live without if they ended up on a desert island. The research showed that barely anyone could live without music but could live without football. The other part of the survey showed what people spent their money on. Football came top of the list and music at the bottom.

There are so many variables in people's listening habits that obviously affect the ability of new bands breaking through. I used to write articles for a magazine and the review list had at least 80 artists on it. This was cut down from 200-300 entries each month. This is just extreme music we are talking about.

It's very sad that you have debts to pay from the previous band. You obviously thought that throwing money into the band and touring would be the investment needed to get things going and hopefully break even. My rule is don't spend more than i can afford to lose on my project hehe. So far I've spent some money on materials for CDs, a logo, EP artwork and album artwork. But I am not including any studio investment or gear for playing live in that haha

We scored Self Release of the Month in Zero Tolerance magazine this issue. I gave away nearly 100 promo CDs at Inferno festival which everyone eagerly accepted. Had one person come back to us saying how much they liked it. I had expected at least 8 people using a pessimistic approach to the statistics of giving away 100 cds and getting a reply. Have had one sale on bandcamp :D

I've no doubt in another year Karhu would have been a big band but you are just 15 years too late.
haha i don't know :p

It's like most need to put the work in and have the luck. Unfortunately, putting the work in doesn't guarantee shit but you probably won't have an opportunity to get lucky.

I gave up thinking about a music career in my early twenties. And I can say with 100% certainty that not pursuing didn't help make opportunities lol

Look at Dave Mustaine. He had shit before joining Metallica. Then his world was destroyed when he seemed to be going on the up only to have shit again after getting fired.
haha i don't know :p

It's like most need to put the work in and have the luck. Unfortunately, putting the work in doesn't guarantee shit but you probably won't have an opportunity to get lucky.

I gave up thinking about a music career in my early twenties. And I can say with 100% certainty that not pursuing didn't help make opportunities lol

Look at Dave Mustaine. He had shit before joining Metallica. Then his world was destroyed when he seemed to be going on the up only to have shit again after getting fired.

Well i tend to keep a more positive outlook. I'm not quitting hahaha :D