
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Well, im waiting You stupid tough guy wannabe, where are you how come you are so quiet now?

for the record: "Mr. I-Hit-My-Refresh-Button-As-Many-Times-As-I-Can".

You are adviced to take a break from posting on your computer, dude.
Are you TRYING to prove everyone that i am right with what i said 2 posts ago?

Its called reading, read the whole fucking thing first, trow your pointless insults later, you too need to ask questions first, trow flames later you stupid newbie asshole, i had nothing against your kind up until now that you prove me and everyone else that not only you are not willing to ASK about my comments, but you are not even willing to read them,.
Ok consider thyself lucky, for i am bored and will exteriorize an in depth response.

Im not angry at your post count, im angry at your stupid fucking sensitivity. I was nearly pointing out how RuinandMisery was a very active member of the board and other boards and when he was done spaming the boards about his bands he outright left and was never to be seen around again. You have no way to know this because you werent around in that time.

How come then than you break in the conversation saying im incoherent? You could have asked why i was being incoherent and i would have included this indepth response earlier, but oo noo you had to show us how fucking l337 you are and started trying to picking a fight with me. Let me tell you something ask anyone in the forum, you are incredible lucky i wasnt in the mood and didnt make you look like a complete fucking retarded asshole eariler but you kinda seem to enjoy that.

So i told you how stupid and newbie you are? of course, why? cause you come in acting like you are to be Respected by everyone, respect is something you win over time. Not only that, you choose to start a fight ( instead of asking ) with me, and you choose to be all girlie about the fact that i refused to explain myself to an arrogant son of a bitch that comes smiling into a fucking closed room? You might as well bath in fish blood and jump into a pit with sharks.

You see, only certain people can pull off your actitude, those people with a reputation of being an outright bastard who never shuts the fuck up. You dont win that reputation by screaming crap at people who ignores you since the start, you win that reputation by attacking people who deserves it with stupidity. You had no way to know what i was talking about, you could had asked and THEN run your attack, but that was too fucking civil to you.

Take a look around, everyone knows how i am, everyone knows how i post, everyone knows why im a cranky bitter bastard. In fact you could have waited a couple of thats and you would have found out yourself. I am not a polite person, im not even a person im less than that when it comes to social crap, everyone here knows how to deal with me and most newbies stay away before saying crap to me or are aware of what they are getting into.

In your particular case i could have ignored you, most of the times i do because i know newbies dont usually now me ( then again sometimes i dont it depends on my mood ) The reason i didnt is that this time around i wasnt even being that fucking agressive, i wasnt even trowing that much crap to RuinandMisery, and it was possibly the only comment in days i didnt expected a negative responste to, because everyone knows what i say is not crazy. The fact that you closed your eyes and trow yourself into a load of crap just made me lost the little faith i had with other newbies lately.

You and only you showed me that newbies are stupid. You and only you showed me that they expect everyone to take care of them as if they were little kids to be protected. You and only you showed me how fucking arrogant newbies can be acting like they know all there is to know, You and only you proved to me you dont deserve to be threated as an equal, You and only you showed me that the opeth fanbase is having a lot of troubles when idiots like you get to listen to the band, You and only you show me how some people are just plain morons who cant ASK anything because they feel so threaten when they are not included in a conversation, when i was willing to include you by explaining to you about RuinandMisery.

But guess what, You never asked me.

Should i like, make it bigger so you can read it?
Originally posted by Smekermann

Frankly I don't give a fuck if you're Black Jesus himself, bitch. I am "lucky" you didn't own me 'cause you weren't in the mood for it? If your idea of doing that is the way you acted in the AG thread on the Vintersorg forum, um... you got your ass handed to you there. In fact, I posted a message there as well, congratulating you on being a complete and fucking idiot.

Anyway, point of the matter is, nobody needed to hear your retarded rant about how "LILITU SPAMS OMG LOL WTF??>?>" it had absolutely NOTHING to do with the original purpose of the thread. I frankly couldn't care less about your shitty nickname and your (shittier) attitude towards everybody. You don't fucking intimidate me. In fact, it boggles the mind that you could intimidate ANYONE with your shitty spelling, grammar, logic, and ANYTHING ELSE about your posts. If anything, it just proves that most UM posters are fucking pussies, if someone like you can be so fucking "threatening".

I do agree that the Opeth fanbase is having its share of problems. One of them is you. You should be banned for being such a stuck-up, cocky fucking asshole. Just as a bit of proof that you don't fucking own the board or ANYTHING ELSE for that matter, you're just a poster here with way too much fucking time on his hands. Just because you're feared and reverred by pussies and cowards doesn't mean you're anyone important.

Now I suggest you kindly fuck off and die. THX!

Great another one with the grammar. Before you ever make that comment again, talk to me in proper spanish with no mistakes at all.

And why it didnt had to do anything with the original prupose of the thread? The fact that RuinAndMiseryis afucking lazy son of a bitch that is never here to answer this kinds of questions, but is here when he relases something? how fucking convenient, but i didnt knew the forums where a place to spam and then leave.

And what do you care about the vintersorg forum, are you offended cause i attacked Vintersorg? Do you agree with Tyr about his points of view on how every single mp3 out there is like we are avoiding him to take a meal? what is the problem, for someone who is so concerned about the inicial point of the thread its pretty stupid to bring it up.

And just so you know, im not an Opeth fan so im not part of its fanbase, im not happy about a lot of things Opeth do and i do not enjoy each and everyone of their songs, i dont follow them like gods and i dont really give a shit about them i just care about the cds they put out, and not even all the time
I feel sorry because you are pissed off, you seriously need help if me saying somebody else is a spammer pisses you off

And there is no rule i cant say anything about about the forum

Vintersorg is a fucking whinny moneywhore
Tyr is also a moneywhore
Mr. Å is a fat fuck trying to screw everyone out of money by making 2 cds
Niklas Sundin is a fucking retarded geek who uses quicktime as a movie format and lets 90% of their fans who happen to use PC's with a pour solution
Alexi Laiho is a fucking fag and married a fucking pig
Alex webster is an overrated Show off
Chris Barnes is a pussy
Anders Friden is a fucking rockstar that attacks their fans, in fact all inflames are.

Show me why i cannot say that, who is going to stop me? who is stupid enough to care about it and cry like a little girl?
Originally posted by Smekermann

Frankly, I don't really give a fuck, since I never had the slightest bit of respect for you. You're basically just digging your grave deeper and deeper. It's nice to see that that's all you think of the artists who provide you with hours upon hours of music.

I don't really think I need to say anything else, as you have just proven your idiocy with this post. *I* rest my case.

I didnt respected you ever either, but at least i ignored you until you came to bitch about an entirely valid opinion about RuinandMisery, and that it wasnt at all incoherent.

And i would like you to point out a single ocation in witch i said any of the guys i mentioned is not an outstanding artist. The fact that im not an idiotic fanboy and that i treat them as equal doesnt gets in the way of me appreciating their music.

It is you who has proved his stupid fanatism, no matter how many times you deny it until you stop doing stupid comments just because i threat artist like i threat everybody else, you will remain a brainless fanatic.

Misanthrope ( who is the only one who has balls to stand up and say musicians are just equal to all of us, no matter how good they are on what they do )

Edit: Since you are taking too long to answer i must take my leave now, there is a nice local gig that i dont wanna miss. However feel free to leave the rants and flames here anyway ill make shure to check them out when i get back ( no matter how annoying you are, its nice to have an adversary because everyone here IS a wuss that wont rise their hand against me, so even in your stupidity you show great courage and honor, and i respect that )
Not to mention the fact that your whole "I love their music, but I have absolutely no respect for them" is just fucking mindboggling.

Ok since you did replied a moment before i leaved, one last reply.

I quoted only that becuase thats basically the point, you dislike the fact that i dont have respect for them. Why are you and everybody else here so concerned about respecting the musicians? I just dont, i find nothing special in what they do ( perhaps cause i do it myself ) and while they are very good ( honestly much better than me ) is not something worthy of respect to me. Respect is a big word, and to me is something you earn, not something that falls out of the sky.

Doing your work and being dedicated to your profession is not something i consider to be worthy of respect, i dont go arround respecting an accounter because he is good at what he does. I dont respect taxi drivers or waiters if they are good at what they do. I respect them if i get to know them ( otherwise i generally ignore them because i dont feel that good disrespecting people i dont know, if i do so i have a very good reason ) and know what they are about, and look at how mean/nice they are to me and everyone.

This is basically what i think and i disagree with people who lets their feelings get in the way of judging people, everyone hates somebody who prejudge people, when they dislike them before knowing them. I happen to dislike people who prejudge others and likes them without really knowing them.
I find three things funny here.

1. That the newbies are getting on Misanthrope for his grammer without even considering the fact that he lives in Mexico and speaks English as a second language.

2. That they remind me of the people on the Everquest forums in immature rubbish.

3. That misanthrope is wasting his time trying to argue with them.
And Misanthrope is right about Ruinandmisery. The only time he ever posted was to plug his band's new album, though admittedly he did participate in some discussion. He's a nice guy, really. But as soon as the plug-period ended he left UM and I've never seen or heard from him again.
I disagree with Misanthrope on a lot of things, and his view of artists is one of them. Personally, I believe artists should be respected for the work they do, and if you've read my post in the Vintersorg forum in the AG thread you'll know that I believe mp3s are good for discovering bands but just downloading without buying is fucking stealing it and disrespectful to the artist.

but I think he is right when he said you just pranced in and started a lot of heat that was neither neccesary nor called for. His observation of ruinandmisery was a very accurate one, afterall he DID leave without a trace when he finished plugging his band, and frankly there was no need to outright attack him on the grounds of what he said about ruinandmisery.

This conversation obviously goes beyond his comment about ruinandmisery and you're clearly pissed at his views of artists in general (and if his challenging Vintersorg by proudly saying he stole the promo of his unreleased album is the reason, I can understand that), but in this case there wasn't a need to start drama.
Originally posted by Belial
And Misanthrope is right about Ruinandmisery. The only time he ever posted was to plug his band's new album, though admittedly he did participate in some discussion. He's a nice guy, really. But as soon as the plug-period ended he left UM and I've never seen or heard from him again.

... which means he's better than any of us because he's got a life.