Lillian Axe


I am a leaf on the wind
Sep 18, 2006
Everywhere and nowhere
I really liked this band in the 80s, and they are playing here this coming Tuesday. I know that only one person remains from the original lineup, so I'm not sure about going. Has anyone seen them on their recent tour? Just wondered what your impressions were.
I went to see them earlier this month, and they sounded great; they're definitely worth checking out. I never paid them any attention years ago, so I wasn't hung up on Steve being the only original fact, I mainly went to see him, but the whole band was really good. I'd go see them again.
Lilian Axe was never on my radar the first time around, so I'm totally unfamiliar with them. With that said, they seem to have a decent following, at least on this board, so does anyone have any suggetions where to start exploring them?

The new disc is not too bad .I was surprised at how many elements from the past that they still retain.
Lilian Axe was never on my radar the first time around, so I'm totally unfamiliar with them. With that said, they seem to have a decent following, at least on this board, so does anyone have any suggetions where to start exploring them?


Man, I was surprised to see a thread about Lillian on here! I have been a fan since their second album came out. Saw them in NYC a couple of weeks ago and although the attendance was VERY poor (probably 20-30 people) they played like they were playing to a packed house. The current lineup of the band is great.

Unfortunately, most of their catalog is out of print. The new studio album, "Waters Rising," is a very strong album, and I highly recommend it. They released a live album (with original vocalist Ron Taylor) in 2002 -- I think you might be able to find that, and it will give you a good overview of their previous material. PM me if you want/need more info on back catalog, etc. :)

Huge fan here. Been following them since the LOVE AND WAR days. New CD isnt bad but I didnt find it too spectacular either.

One of the best hair bands back in the day along with HEAVENS EDGE, XYZ, and HURRICANE.
I'll be there on Monday night in Hollywood.....these guys are one of the most most underrated bands in the 80's genre imo.....

Brian - check out Poetic Justice and Psychoschizophrenia - you may have to search around, but these are both killer discs!!!
I'll be seeing them tonight in Spokane. I pretty much lost track of them after Love + War so I hope they play a lot off the first two CDs (with a new CD to promote I kinda doubt it).
Saw them in NYC a couple of weeks ago and although the attendance was VERY poor (probably 20-30 people) they played like they were playing to a packed house.

I counted 40 at our show (yes, I actually counted :lol:), so they didn't fare much better here; as you said, though, they did play like they were in front of a packed house :headbang:

While I wish bands like that drew more people, I was actually reasonably happy with the turnout...since there wasn't exactly much promotion for this show, I told Kathy on the way down that we might end up being the only ones there :lol:

Somebody on the Metal Sludge board said he saw them at the Starland Ballroom, and he said there were only around 35 at that show, too.
Big fan here also of Lillian Axe. Seen play a couple of times with Ron Taylor on vocals but with new singer. All shows were great with them and they play just about everything. Got a couple of live bootlegs of theirs that are really well. Another good CD of theirs was 'Fields of Yesterday' that was B-sides and non album track stuff.

This post made me dig out some CD's and put them in because I'm a TRUUUUUE BELIEVVVVVVVER !!
Wow! They put on a great show in Spokane last night! There were about 30 people in attendance and it was a pretty small club. For the first couple songs people just sat at their tables but they started gathering around the small stage by the third song and never sat down again. It was a very intimate setting and my thought was, "So this is what it would be like to have Lillian Axe playing in my living room." Since the club was less than 5 minutes from my home that thought isn't too far from the mark. I highly recommend catching this show if you can. I snagged the set list so if anyone is interested in knowing what they played let me know.
Wow! They put on a great show in Spokane last night! There were about 30 people in attendance and it was a pretty small club. For the first couple songs people just sat at their tables but they started gathering around the small stage by the third song and never sat down again. It was a very intimate setting and my thought was, "So this is what it would be like to have Lillian Axe playing in my living room." Since the club was less than 5 minutes from my home that thought isn't too far from the mark. I highly recommend catching this show if you can. I snagged the set list so if anyone is interested in knowing what they played let me know.

Umm. Ya. Post it please.