Lillian Axe

Love and War
Kill Me Again
Body Double
Ghost of Winter
Waters Rising
Fools Paradise
I Have to Die Goodbye
Those Who Prey
True Believer
Show a Little Love

The set list also listed an encore of No Matter What and My Number which they didn't play here in Spokane. They did, however, come back off the bus after about 10 minutes to sign autograqphs.
Cool. Thanks. Ghost of Winter, Crucified, Those Who Pray, and Deepfreeze alone would have made me happy. Stop The Hate and Deep Blue Shadows would have made it perfect. Nice list all the same.
I counted 40 at our show (yes, I actually counted :lol:), so they didn't fare much better here; as you said, though, they did play like they were in front of a packed house :rock:

While I wish bands like that drew more people, I was actually reasonably happy with the turnout...since there wasn't exactly much promotion for this show, I told Kathy on the way down that we might end up being the only ones there :lol:

Somebody on the Metal Sludge board said he saw them at the Starland Ballroom, and he said there were only around 35 at that show, too.

Were they in Atlanta?
I really liked this band in the 80s, and they are playing here this coming Tuesday. I know that only one person remains from the original lineup, so I'm not sure about going. Has anyone seen them on their recent tour? Just wondered what your impressions were.
I LOVE this band! I saw them play in Chicago in the early 90s at the old Thirsty Whale. Great gig!:rock: