Limp Bizkit covering Metallica...

Vikk Cavanagh said:
SnoopDogg is the worse ever

The whole 1 hour compilation of Avril Lavigne, Staind, Sum 41, Limp Bizkit, Snoop Dog, Korn and Metallica themselves was a fucking dog shit cunt ass fuck bollocks motherfucker FUCK SHIT CUNT CUNT GOAT!!!!!1!

Ive been to many rock shows in my life...The only one to disapoint me was Metallica. Their Pre-black album stuff was amazing, and they were my favourtie badn, but they fucking blow live.

It may have been a bad night or somthing, or the fact I sat though Godsmack, their opening band, but shit it was terrible.

Overpriced as fuck too, i Spent $50 on nosebleed seats, luckily the concert was undersold and I got moved up to the decent seats and was really close. Sadly it wasnt long after St Anger so they Played Frantic :(