Line 6 HD147 - how much does it weigh?


Feb 20, 2005
Anyone who owns this amp (Kazrog and Audiophile come to mind), is it pretty light? Cuz I don't mind using my JSX live except that it weighs 54 FUCKING POUNDS ARRRGGHHH - I would really like something lighter, and I assume because the HD147 doesn't have any tubes in it (naturally), it can be lighter (I assume the reason for this is less diesel output transformers required because of less power consumption of SS, but maybe I'm wrong on that...)
Thanks dude, that's certainly more reasonable than my current monster! (and that site lists the shipping weight as 31 lbs., which I assume includes about 5 pounds of packaging - sweeeeet, once I get one, no more worrying about a need for a chiropractor! :lol: )
yeah, it's pretty lightweight, especially in contrast to my 5150 or my jcm800 :D

and, what's even better, imho it sounds really good! not *quite* at the same level as my tube amps, but like 95% there....especially the criminal, i.e. 5150 model is REALLY REALLY good, the best one imho.
in fact, it's so good that i'm seriously thinking about ditching my 5150 based rack setup in favour of the hd147 for live shows.
It's much lighter than my 6505+ was. I am very happy with it as my live amp, honestly it's the best product Line 6 has ever made, by far. The foot controller for it is a must-have, as well.
Sweet dude, thanks! And Kazrog, I've had an FBV Express that worked great for my Pod (honestly, I don't see why anyone would need more than what it offers, 4 preset choices and an expression pedal), so I'll definitely rock that with an HD147 if/when I get one.